Amout of Calories to eat


Okay I am losing 2 pounds per week so far. I am eating 1200 calories but then today on Facebook I found this site call Lose Weight by Eating. It was a big lady who lost a bunch of weight. She says to add a "0" to what you want to weigh and eat that. So for myself by her thoughts I should be eating 1450. (want to weigh 145) There is people on her site losing 7 pounds per week, but on the other hand they aren't eating any sugar, no fake sugars, no processed food and to move lots.

I go to a female bootcamp 3 times a week and burn between 400-460 calories. Trying to get back on the treadmill and also burning the same amount but strictly cardio. I don't measure myself for another 4 weeks so I won't know inches till then. I just want to lose more than 30 pounds in 6 months.

So do I eat 1200 calories or do I eat 1450? I am eating my calories back on 1200. So would I eat them back on 1450 and if not then I am really still just eating 1200.

Please help me lose weight faster so disappointed in just 2 pounds when I should be proud!!!!!!!!
