OK. I hate this post it on my wall and then here...and literally don't get any help. I'm frustrated right now. I've lost 70 lbs to date mostly prior to MFP. However today I'm back up 2 lbs. Yes...2 lbs, why so concerned? Well...because I've been doing everything right!!! So, I think? My age 39, BMR 1490 Weight (well today) 169, I workout probably 6 times a week....some weight training only to the amount of using your own body...I've been eating back my exercise calories....mostly (sometimes leaving a couple hundred).

Yes. I'm a size 10, I fear with the gain...I'll lose that awesome size.

I've been drinking lots of water...more than I usually do. I'm hungry if I eat at BMR...I allow myself the m/ms at night, but now feel that I can't even do that :(

I just need help! Its not TOM...Weigh in day is tomorrow, and sometimes I do weigh to see body fluctuations, but come on..a pound each day? WTH!!!

I'm so frustrated! I only budged a weight loss (5 lbs) when I was dealing with the sudden death of my mother last month and now the scale is creeping back up there...doesn't make sense. Should I be like others on here eating thing a meal to lose a pound or three? I workout 60-90min a day and see this reward. Again I don't get it!

Please help!


  • Give it a week or so and then get back on the scale. I bet those 2 pounds won't be there.
  • Don't freak out!

    Your body can fluctuate 2lbs EASILY just based on how frequent your bowel movements are, water intake, sodium intake (hold more water) etc., etc. Realistically, your caloric intake averages out over the course of three days, keep that in mind.

    The important thing is to stay on track, and don't quit. If you are truly doing everything right, and tracking your macros, you will see the scale change for the better.

    Let the mirror be your guide, not the number on the scale.
  • OK. I hate this post it on my wall and then here...and literally don't get any help. I'm frustrated right now. I've lost 70 lbs to date mostly prior to MFP. However today I'm back up 2 lbs. Yes...2 lbs, why so concerned? Well...because I've been doing everything right!!! So, I think? My age 39, BMR 1490 Weight (well today) 169, I workout probably 6 times a week....some weight training only to the amount of using your own body...I've been eating back my exercise calories....mostly (sometimes leaving a couple hundred).

    Yes. I'm a size 10, I fear with the gain...I'll lose that awesome size.

    I've been drinking lots of water...more than I usually do. I'm hungry if I eat at BMR...I allow myself the m/ms at night, but now feel that I can't even do that :(

    I just need help! Its not TOM...Weigh in day is tomorrow, and sometimes I do weigh to see body fluctuations, but come on..a pound each day? WTH!!!

    I'm so frustrated! I only budged a weight loss (5 lbs) when I was dealing with the sudden death of my mother last month and now the scale is creeping back up there...doesn't make sense. Should I be like others on here eating thing a meal to lose a pound or three? I workout 60-90min a day and see this reward. Again I don't get it!

    Please help!

    Weight will fluctuate daily...sometimes as much as 4 pounds. Give it a few days and weigh again. I bet there will be a difference.
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    Sounds like you've hit a plateau, have you researched ways to break weight loss plateau? Absolutely no expert but from stuff I've read about situations like this before maybe your body has got used to your food/exercise routine. Maybe try a couple days kick start detox? Or maybe even increase your cals a bit to kick strt your metabolism?

    Again I am no expert and others may totally disagree with me but you sound frustrated so I just wanted to try and help some way!!

    Don't get too down, you've done a great job so far, this is just a little blip in the process.

    Good luck!!
  • hitstuff
    hitstuff Posts: 40 Member
    I hazard to say, you're not new to this ride and evidently know what you're doing based on your 70 lb loss thus far. Have some faith in yourself and the fact that you are apparently making good choices and doing what you need to do to continue on the right path. Don't let the scale dictate your mindset. I agree with ZUMBA. Relax a little...shove that scale to the back of the closet and revisit it in a week or so. Don't let the number on that thing be your undoing...that would be a shame.....
  • judicialjedi
    judicialjedi Posts: 3 Member
    Don't sweat it! You've hit a plateau, that just means you need to change up your exercise routines and diet. You've made amazing progress, don't let it bring you down.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks peeps! Yah....I'm just not sure how to change up my routine anymore. I did the "eating more" for more than the time and found a gain...people said not to worry..well its hard when your gaining weight and not to worry. Also very hard to "not be hard" on yourself when you recently lose your mother to obesity and congestive heart failure. It plain old sucks! So, to see the scale go does mess with you! Sorry all...I'm trying and yes...I'll keep trying. Can't give up the fight!!!

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Can you open your diary? If you want, post your height weight and full workout programs I can run some numbers for you. Also, when you ate more, how much were you average and then when it didn't work, how much did you cut it?
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I really don't see anything in the OP's post that makes me think she hit a plateau...

    To the OP, could it just be water retention? The day before Thanksgiving I weighed 184. The Sunday after, I weighed 192. 8 lbs in 4 days and I was only over my calorie goal by about 500 calories on 2 days. If you have been eating right and exercising, I holiday like Thanksgiving is more than enough to cause significant water retention. My advice is to give it some more time. Of course, it doesn't hurt to check your numbers, but you've lost 70 lbs so far - I'm betting you already know what you need! =]
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    Diary is now open! I'm 39, 5'8, 169 currently....I'm a stay at home mom with a part time job on the side (writing/photographer). I do exercise daily...literally "run/jog" kids to and from school 1-2 times a day...we live .5 miles in distance from school.

    as for the full program workouts? Not sure what your asking? I do a lot of Jillian Michaels DVDs, Bob Harper...cardio is my favorite, but I do strength training too in these programs. I run on treadmill and do elliptical trainer. Oh and love Zumba. I don't know if my body needs some confusion or what?

    Funny thing...I guess I've lost a pant size but gaining weight? Not sure why this is?
    When I ate more, I went off of scooby site for the BMR/plus TDEE 20% reduction...was eating around 2300 at that point probably 2-3 months ago...when I weighed upper 70's. I cut it down to 1670 since my last 5 lbs loss which was just the end of Oct. Hope this all makes sense. :)

  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    I really don't see anything in the OP's post that makes me think she hit a plateau...

    To the OP, could it just be water retention? The day before Thanksgiving I weighed 184. The Sunday after, I weighed 192. 8 lbs in 4 days and I was only over my calorie goal by about 500 calories on 2 days. If you have been eating right and exercising, I holiday like Thanksgiving is more than enough to cause significant water retention. My advice is to give it some more time. Of course, it doesn't hurt to check your numbers, but you've lost 70 lbs so far - I'm betting you already know what you need! =]
    Thank you for your comments. Yes. To an extent I agree, I probably do know a little more what to do. Probably the sodium is the kicker here. I guess I thought if sodium was slightly high and still drinking lots it still flushed a person out??? I'm happy with the loss, but freak out with the gain...LOL! I'm getting a handle on it...because of the support here...thank you everyone in this post!!! :)

    I just wanted to make sure I didn't have to "change up" anything. I'm on my last 15-20 lbs to lose (that's my goal)...

    Thanks again
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Diary is now open! I'm 39, 5'8, 169 currently....I'm a stay at home mom with a part time job on the side (writing/photographer). I do exercise daily...literally "run/jog" kids to and from school 1-2 times a day...we live .5 miles in distance from school.

    as for the full program workouts? Not sure what your asking? I do a lot of Jillian Michaels DVDs, Bob Harper...cardio is my favorite, but I do strength training too in these programs. I run on treadmill and do elliptical trainer. Oh and love Zumba. I don't know if my body needs some confusion or what?

    Funny thing...I guess I've lost a pant size but gaining weight? Not sure why this is?
    When I ate more, I went off of scooby site for the BMR/plus TDEE 20% reduction...was eating around 2300 at that point probably 2-3 months ago...when I weighed upper 70's. I cut it down to 1670 since my last 5 lbs loss which was just the end of Oct. Hope this all makes sense. :)


    Your food looks pretty good. The only thing I would change is cut some of the carbs and increase the protein. This will cause your body to store a bit less water and provide your muscles the ability to repair and heal a bit more. I generally suggest 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fats. Also, I wouldn't consider JM videos to have any real strength training. If you aren't lifting heavy enough to fail at 6-10 reps, then it's just cardio with weights, although I don't know bob harper's routines. In home programs like p90x or chalean extreme are more directed towards weight training. Also, make sure you take one full day off from exercise to help reduce water retention and let your body heal. Exercise is important but your body makes it's improvements from healing. If you continuously tear down the same muscles they can never heal.

    And weight gain = water retention.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you!
  • revgosik
    revgosik Posts: 62 Member
    You are doing great! I am sure it is probably extra sodium and water retention. Just keep trucking. You can do it!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    The scale is a fickle fickle beast, and I hate it. There are so many things that can influence weight on a daily basis: salt, traveling, fiber intake, protien intake, medications you're taking...

    I've found that I can drink a cup of water on the morning of weigh-in, and it'll show up on the scale. SO, I don't drink much on weigh-in mornings until AFTER I weigh in.

    Wait a week and see what happens - it might just fall back off.