what is wrong??

babadee Posts: 22 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I weighed myself the first time it about three weeks. I have gained a little over 2 1/2 pounds. Something has got to be wrong with either my scale, me and calculations on exercise burned. I have pretty much kept under my calories. I have been going to the gym monday thru friday. Doing anywhere from 1-2 hours of various cardio. Switching it up between stairmaster, elliptical, treadmill and the arc trainer. Last week I started adding some weights. What the heck is wrong. I will admit last night I was a little bad because of the Super Bowl but I didn't think I ate enough to make up todays weight gain. HELP!!


  • I don't think weighing yourself after a cheat day is ideal. Give it a few days of good behavior and see what happens.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    This is why I weigh 3-4 times a week.

    We as women can flucuate in weight I would guess anywhere from 5-10 lbs....Weighing on different days gives me a running average of my weight.

    On Monday of last week I weighed 214.

    On Tuesday it was 216

    By Thursday I weighed 215.......and on Saturday 217....now all of those days I worked out and ate at my calorie target...I didnt' gain 3 lbs or lose 3 lbs, because on Sunday I was back at 215.

    I tried to weigh just 1 time a week or a couple of times a month but I found because of fluid weight it was very dissapointing.

    Plus I would dare to say most of the foods you had last night were high in sodium content. Keep your head up.
  • You might have some extra water weight from adding in weight training.

    Take a deep breath.......and relax.

    Muscle weights more than fat. Do you take measurements? The scale doesn't always tell the truth.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    And with you working out like that... make sure you are taking your measurements. You might be surprised. :flowerforyou: You might want to check the calibrations on your scale as well... if you are like me and have to move it to weigh you may have nudged it a bit. :happy: You're doing great... just keep it up! :flowerforyou:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Make sure you are eating most of your exercise calories as well, as with that much working out your body will need the fuel.
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    I agree. Don't weigh yourself the day after a day of eating more than you normally would, or after foods that you normally wouldn't eat. I have found that the night before I weigh in, I can only eat protein and a veggie, and not eat after 7:00pm. If I eat any carbs at all, I will weigh 1-3 pounds heavier the next morning. If you ate foods that were high sodium, that would also cause you to weigh more. Give your body a few days to recover, and try weighing yourself tomorrow or Wednesday. I bet you'll see a different number. Hang in there!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    It's unlikely that you ate enough in one day to gain the weight, but did you eat snacks that were high in sodium? It's more likely this is water retention. Drink lots of fluids, watch your sodium, and weigh again in a few days. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
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