Adoption questions and opinion on situation

RavenBeauty87 Posts: 83 Member
My husband came to me last night and started asking about adoption laws. His father isn't his real dad but has been there since day one. He remembers when he was really young them wanting to start the adoption process but when he was a child he was very stubborn (okay still is lol) and made a fit because he didn't want his last name changed. Now he is going through something and he wants to know what he can do to get legally adopted by his father. He is worried he will have to change his last name but I know you don't HAVE to do (you can change your whole name if you want) but that is the tradition. He is 27 and I knew a couple that they didn't have children but they knew a man that was a orphan and adopted him when he was in his 40s (sweetest man and couple). I told him this can't be a “surprise” because his father would have to involved, of course. He is mostly doing this to show he cares and feels bad for saying what he said as a child. I know laws are different state to state (I live in Oklahoma). So I would love it if someone gave me some insight or what do you think of this? The only thing I worry about is him getting excited and his mom and dad laughing and saying no don't worry about it (love his parents but they can be strange sometimes lol as can my family, just saying). His real father has only seen him twice (we only live 45 minutes from him and he has 8 other kids and had left most of them) his dad did pay child support and legally he never signed his rights away. Even though he is 27 would his real father have to sign his rights away. Sorry if these are dumb questions but I don't know what is involved with adoption and especially with a situation like this. In my opinion I think it is very sweet of my husband :flowerforyou: I just worry if it doesn't go as planned, if we decide to do this, he will be really hurt:brokenheart: :cry:
