Fit Tracker

I just found the web site for Fit tracker on shape and was calculating my BMR and RMR. The site has tons of info but it stated that there is a program called Calorie Zig Zag which tricks your body into losing weight. Since I ate more Sunday but lost weight I thought I'd give it a try. What do you think and be nice on my thread please?
Monday 1334 calories
Tuesday 1067
Wednesday 1600
Thursday 1334
Friday 1200
Sat 1467
Sunday 1334

I am 60 years young and need to lose about 30 more pounds. I workout at the gym and usually burn around 300 calories 3 times a week. Thanks!


  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    In the UK there was an UNOFFICIAL Weight Watchers programme going round called the Wendy Plan. This entailed eating very different numbers of points on different days. Some people found it really worked for them.