


  • TheyCallMeDBreeze
    My tip might be peculiar to my particular thought process but I'll share it anyway:

    So, when I mess up, part of me just think 'Oh, f*** it, may as well keep eating junk food now since I've slipped up anyway', and then I just binge on tasty treats. My method is, when I do have a naughty snack, to think 'Well, that was nice. I enjoyed that. Not the end of the world. One bar of chocolate is definitely better than three!'. By having something you like, you haven't ruined everything, but for me it's that 'Well now I may as well eat ALL THE FOOD' attitude that gives me problems!
    I like to eat all the food, too. It embarrassing! But when I do it, its like I'm on robot mode and nothing can stop me! Really! I can really throw a punch and push my weight around, people get scared. :blushing:
  • TheyCallMeDBreeze
    Grab a rubber band.

    Put it on around your wrist.

    SNAP THAT SH_T every time you feel like binging.

    End of problem.
    I'd be snappn' myself ALL DAY! And....what if you're a masochist? Snap. Cookie. Snap. Burger. Snap. chips..........
  • fattypattybinger
    look at my name that says it all
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Once I made myself quit eating that stuff, it was easy. I don't even crave it anymore. I don't crave fast food, I don't crave sweets. You just have to get thru the initial shock of not having it and you'll get over it. I don't even use fake sugar. The only sugar I gets comes from fruits. With the exception of my greek yogurt.
  • MisFitMom219
    MisFitMom219 Posts: 50 Member
    Agree with prior posts...

    Keeping the foods out of my house has helped...but really it is a psychological battle.

    It's funny how your taste buds change over time. I used to crave sweets -like buttercream anything! it's ridiculous things like apples and peanut butter or bags of broccoli! lol