Looking for some friends to diet with!

Hello everyone. I'm not necessarily new to this site, but have fallen off the band wagon several times now. I would love to find some neat people on here. to "weigh-in" with per say lol. People to talk to about our dieting frustrations, meal plans, or just to talk in general. After all, I truly believe its easier to stick to a diet when you have friends to support you. So I welcome anyone! :D


  • I agree! Having a support system is so important when trying to lose weight and be healthy.
  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    Welcome! :heart:
  • katiethebeloved
    katiethebeloved Posts: 3 Member
    Me too! I think the reason I have not stuck with it is because I have been doing it alone.
  • Me too!! I actually just posted a similar post b/c I'm looking to stay motivated with others on this journey! It's hard but I'm more focused and I also think doing it with others will make it fun.

    I'll send youa friend request now! :)
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
  • I have also been tryhing to do it alone! Feel free to add me. I try to get on every day :)
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Always welcome new friends! Add me! :)