Looking for healthy ideas for lunch on the run?


  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    Soup and salad is my go-to when I don't feel like putting something together in the morning (to take to work)

    Costco makes great soups that come in packs of 2 quarts. I usually get the baked potato and add some steak for protein, or the chicken tortilla and add...more chicken! A cup of that with a salad is good for me. And to be extra lazy about it, make it a caesar salad. Throw some chopped romaine, pepper and shredded parm in a container and call it a DAY!!! :ohwell:
  • Home cooked healthy muffins. Apple and Cinamon, blueberry or banana chop chip are my fav but there are so many flavours. You can cut the calories down alot these day with substitutions
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    every sunday I put about four chicken breasts in the slow cooker and then shred them ...I then mix something up night before like chicken with greek yogurt and some brocolli slaw (great chicken salad) or something like that ..

    If I forget to make something or something then I go to subway and get six inch turkey breast or one of their salads...
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    Do you have Muscle Maker Grill by you, OP? That's my one go to if I don't bring lunch (it's a rarity). I don't feel like I need to take a shower after eating there like I do with fast food.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Buy the ziploc reusable disposable containers. The one cup size has markings at the half cup mark. Pre fill a bunch of them with 1/2 or 1 cup serveings of what you like. I make them up with cottage cheese, applesauce, pineapple, yogurt, veggies, whatever else sounds good. It's quick to take a couple minutes and put a bunch of them in the frig and much cheaper than buying the single serving size of things. Then when it's time to make a lunch I throw them in a insulated lunch box with a freezer pack and whatever my main dish is for lunch. I also drop in a baggie of groups and a baggie of baby carrots and I'm set to eat and snack healthy all day.

    Lowfat cheese sticks and lean ham or turkey make a great main course for lunch. 6 slices of turkey is 35 calories, a pound is around 220 calories depending on brand and has a lot of protein. I like to wrap a few slices around a cheese stick.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Do you have Muscle Maker Grill by you, OP? That's my one go to if I don't bring lunch (it's a rarity). I don't feel like I need to take a shower after eating there like I do with fast food.

    UGH, I thought I was the only one who felt like that after eating fast food. It's so gross and I hate the smell of it on my hands afterwards too. *shudder*
  • _La Tortilla wraps with grilled chicken or turkey
    -- Greek Yogurt and half of peanut butter sandwhich
    -- Ground Turkey Taco
    -- Fruit and salad with grilled chicken.

    I stock up on greek yogurts, regular low fat yogurt, wraps, peanut butter, tuna and any other healthy thing that can be eaten quickly. I also look for low sodium and low fat salad dressings.

    It also helps to cut up veggies and fruit once a week and bag them or put them in 1 cup containers so you can grab them in the morning and not have to waste time cutting them up when you are in hurry to get out the door.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Salad and half sandwich. Quick and easy to make at home for the run. Otherwise, I dunno.. I avoid fast food, it makes me feel about as gross as it is. I mean, if push came to shove, you could probably get like, a grilled chicken sandwich and eat it minus the bun, but that would also depend on where you go. (I'd avoid McDonald's and Burger King) Taco Bell has a "drive thru diet" kind of menu that isn't too bad. Instead of heavy cheeses they use some kind of pico de galo.

    But honestly, your best bet is to make a good lunch the night before. It will save you money in the long run!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I keep fresh fruit, carrots and the makings for sandwiches/wraps in the office fridge. Luckily, I'm the only employee, so no one steals. We have a toaster oven for warming the sandwiches and a microwave if I bring leftovers from home.

    When you have time, cook several calories dishes and divide them into small containers. OR If you cook dinner every night, make an extra serving for the next day's lunch. They'll be easy to grab in the morning on your way.
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    I like my mason jar meals (though my co-workers do tease me about them).
    This week, I made Greek pasta salad:
    Balsalmic viniagrette on the bottom
    then whole wheat pasta
    then cucumber
    then feta
    and onion
    and lettuce on top
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    If you are out and about, and didn't prepare something to take with -

    I do like the Subway Chopped Salads. They aren't perfect by any means, but a decent option if you find yourself needing something fast.

    If you have kids and still take them to McDonald's, the Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad isn't too bad. 390 calories and that includes the little corn chip strips, and the Southwest dressing.

    Generally, I try and make sure that there are enough left overs from dinner that I can take my lunch.
  • sujenwujen
    sujenwujen Posts: 43 Member
    My go-to lunch (usually 3 days/week) is the Sushi Summer Roll from Publix. It has no rice -- just lettuce, cucumber, carrots, avocado, plus a crab stick & a piece of cooked shrimp, rolled in rice paper. Because it has no raw fish, I can buy 2 containers at a time, and it'll keep in the fridge (I have a mini-fridge in my office). I also have fresh fruit -- usually I buy a bag of grapes at the beginning of the week, and nibble on those throughout the week.

    My back-up lunch (for when I can't get to the grocery store) is to keep single-serving lo-cal soup on hand. No microwave? I also by the Bumble Bee Fat Free Tuna Salad kit. It's pre-made & has crackers. I also keep single-serving canned fruit or applesauce on hand, in case I'm out of fresh fruit.

    I also keep a stash of granola bars, nuts, soy nuts, and my new fave: Archer Farms (from Target) freeze-dried edamame in my office. I have sweet & salty, depending on the craving! My coworkers laugh at my little office pantry, but it keeps me away from the vending machines & away from the fast food!
  • Jimmy Johns... if you get the lettuce wrap, or get it on bread without mayo, they can be really not too bad for you, if you stick to better sandwiches like the turkey tom, veggie sandwich, or something like that. Bruegger's has an amazing veggie bagel sandwich, get it on whole wheat, or with some chicken. Chipotle is also an option... their burrito bowls can be pretty good, if you have it with brown rice, black beans and without cheese, sour cream, or guac and just pile on the salsa for flavor. Wendy's, if you get a small burger and a bowl of chili, or something like that. Otherwise, your standard deli soups and salads are good too.

    I would follow the other advice to a T of having snacks available at different places, so if you do forget your lunch you can nosh on something that's not a Snickers. I love the trail mixes that Archer Farms makes (though the really healthy ones are a bit expensive).
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    You wrote "on the go" but a lot of these you can't really eat in the car or while you are running errands. I just make a protein shake with about 1/4 cup cream (or half & half) for the fat (makes you feel full) and also about 2 T of flax seed meal (fiber & makes you full) & then fill my container to about 16-18 oz of water & a few pieces of ice. I keep an extra one in the car on long errands day with extra ice & less water & then can drink that later in the afternoon or for a snack. I am very carb conscious so this fits my diet/
  • sujenwujen
    sujenwujen Posts: 43 Member
    Hard-boiled egg & a banana!

    This is my go-to breakfast, but it would work for lunch, too. I boil 6-8 eggs every Sunday, and I pre-peel them (see Pinterest -- excellent tips for quickly peeling a pot full of eggs!). They keep in a Ziploc bag or Tupperware for ONE week in the fridge. A large egg has 70 calories; a medium banana has 110. If I'm really hungry, I might have 2 eggs. This is surprisingly filling! Must be all the protein. Whole eggs do not have as much cholesterol as you would think (it's the cheese, bacon, and other stuff people usually eat with eggs that really does you in), so if you don't have a problem with your cholesterol, this is a good, high protein, low fat meal.
  • a lot of good ideas on here. Thanks for all the post. I am going to be working almost everyday so this is helping me also.
  • ladyfingers73
    ladyfingers73 Posts: 80 Member
    Mine is a apple and cheese today, might add some nuts. It will be a bite here and there as I am working and doing hair. You got some idea's here!