Weight loss frustration!

Always hard to lose weight! That is just the way it is I know but I still get frustrated. I have made exercise a habit since my oldest son was about a year. I lost all the baby weight and then some after he was two years just by running and running. I was 156 toned healthy happy 5'9 active mom. I gained 68 pounds with my twin pregnancy I ran till 19 weeks pregnant (including a 5K race and a few long 9.5 mile run)and walked miles till the day I delivered. I breastfed them till 10 + months and lost 44 pounds by 6 months. I picked running back up at 5 weeks post partum. I didn't watch calories too much while breastfeeding twins but tried to eat healthy. No weight loss for about 6 months. I need to pick it up a notch big time. just feeling a little down after weigh in. Need to put in more effort but feeling a little bummed. I have a hate relationship with the scale. I need to eat better although 1600 calories is about what I eat on a normal day. Support success stories please!