Recommended Workout

Hi all :)

I finally got over my fear of gyms yesterday and joined the local gym. I'm looking to get a routine into order when I go, which will be mainly early morning (hopefully!) at around 7:30, and evening at around 8 after the final meal for the day. Does anyone have a recommended routine which they feel works best for them for weight loss AND stomach toning?




  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Does your gym offer classes that fit into your schedule? This is a great way to mix things up, and learn moves.

    Are you saying that you're going to be going twice a day? Then I would say cardio at one (opinions differ as to which time would be better) and weight training at the other. Or, cardio some days and weights the other. I would also encourage trying to get a day of flexibility training (ie: yoga) in.

    As far as "stomach toning" goes, you can't spot reduce, you just have to lose body fat percentage and then work out your whole body.

  • thricewiser
    Thanks :) I'm going to be aiming for twice a day, however I can see me alternating between the morning and the evening each day depending on how much I'll have on at work that day :S
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Do some cardio you like (it shouldn't be comfortable), some light weights (hard but not painful in the 20-25 rep range), some ab specific work (pick any of the several hundred exercises here), and break a sweat. What works for us might not work for you, so be ready to adjust any plan you have in about 2 weeks to make it better for you. Be careful with that late workout too. It can keep you awake too late, and you need sleep to let your body rebuild.