I'm Ready!! Just don't know where to begin.

I'm nearly 400lbs today and just decided to start loosing now and not wait until January 1,2013. But now I don't know where to begin. Can some one share w/ me a food list , or a diet plan for at least 3days to model. PLEASE!!!


  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    OH OH OH - I started at 376 pounds in late May-June 2011, and have lost 106.5 pounds so far, and without surgery!

    1st thing: log everything you eat no matter what.

    Next: take small steps. What can you do now (not today, but right now) that will help you? Drinking more water? Cutting back on soda's? Drinking diet soda's instead of regular soda's? If you eat out or drive through for breakfast, can you start bringing your breakfast to work? Starting off, pick 1-2 easy things. Once you have those mastered, add to it.

    Don't deprive yourself, but don't keep trigger foods in the house. If you LOVE queso dip, go to a mexican restaurant one day in a week AT LUNCH, order the smallest size you can, count out the 8 tortilla chips, and enjoy it - but log it.

    A nutritionist once told me if you focus on lean healthy proteins, the fat and carbs will take care of themselves, and I've generally found that to be true.

    If you get hungry for a snack, ask yourself, "Do I need fiber, or protein or both?" and base your snack around that. Some lowfat yogurt, lowfat mozzarella cheese sticks, peanuts, chocolite protein bars (they have about 9-10 grams of both protein and fiber and are about 100 calories), vitalicious brownies are good for fiber too.

    Get a fitbit if you can (fitbit.com or amazon.com). It's an activity tracker. I don't necessarily try to get in 10,000 steps, I try to make sure the calories I burn in a day are more than the calories I take in. As long as you do that, you're going to lose weight.

    Drink lots of water. I do allow myself to get diet soda at lunch, and once in a blue moon for dinner - but that's about it for me for soda's.

    Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches and ice cream cones are AWESOME and a fraction of the "badness" of regular Nestle Drumstick or other ice cream cones and/or sandwiches.

    These are just a few things that have helped me. I've also been sort of blogging at: http://baysweightloss.blogspot.com/2012/03/losing-weight.html

    For what it's worth....and good luck!!!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    AT 400 pounds, you can safely set MFP's goals to 2 pounds of weight loss a week.

    From there, simply eat the calories you are given and try to make sure you get plenty of protein. Customize your goals to set protein at like 20% to 30%.

    Log ALL your food. Get a food scale if you can. It definitely helps. Be honest too, you only cheat yourself if you aren't.

    Finally, stay active here and ask any questions you have! The social aspect here is what keeps most on track!
  • Jstash88
    Jstash88 Posts: 89 Member
    My suggestion is "do YOU" not somebody else...... this is your journey. You're at the right spot to begin. Counting calories is simple math. If I were you I'd begin by taking one week to LOG EVERYTHING you eat typically. Once you have an accurate picture of the amount of calories you consume and what types of food you eat you can adjust from there. Consider this baby steps..... you didn't get here over night and you're not gonna be "skinny" tomorrow. By working at this carefully and thoughtfully you are MUCH more likely to stick with it. Once you have your "weekly snap shot" assess what it is you want to subtract from that picture.... those things that just are not worth it. Just like a financial budget, you have a calorie budget and either you can afford it or you can't. You may find that cutting out sugary drinks, switching from full fat to low fat, and not eating say after 6PM will keep you with in your own personal calorie budget. This way you get to eat the types of food you like, the places where you like to eat and you don't have to adapt new cooking skills. Of course your calorie allowance will go down as you loose and you will have to continually adjust, but that is a topic for another day. :)
    I Love Ice Cream..... and to me it is totally worth it, which is why I find a way to make it fit in my ity bitty 1200 budget. Don't make yourself crazy with what you think is the right or perfect thing to do.... baby steps.

    Best of Luck on YOUR Journey