Topamax for Weight Loss



  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    What happens when you stop the drug and your appetite comes back?
  • Aitm20
    Aitm20 Posts: 92 Member
    I used Topamax 2 years ago for migraines. It cured me and it was amazing. I lost 25 pounds on it; however I would NEVER take it just for weight loss. It is a serious drug with serious side effects. Of course since I stopped taking it I gained the weight back and then some. Healthy habits are the only guarantee to maintain yourself once you lose weight.
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
    I just started this a couple days ago and am ALWAYS under my calories, like under 1200. Are you all too?
  • KCSF
    KCSF Posts: 49 Member
    I have been taking Topamax for over 10 and still have days that I have side effects. I didn't start taking it for weight loss of course but, I didn't notice any. For me, I decided that the benefits of the drug outweighed the side effects. I also take it at bedtime so I don't notice the dizziness, fogginess, or others as much. For me, I take it because I have to. I would not do it by choice.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Have you read the side effects of the drug? And what happens when you're down to the weight you want to be and you're taken off the drug? Chances are good that unless you change your eating habits and exercise portion control you're going to gain back all the weight you lost and then some.

    That's the problem with drugs that act as appetite suppressants along with doing what they are prescribed to do. You think "Awesome! I have no appetite! I'm not hungry and losing weight!" however you still don't understand how to eat properly, what to eat and how to control the size of your meals.

    I am not a proponent of taking any kind of drug mainly because of all the horrific side effects that almost all of them have and I am certainly not a proponent of a "quick fix" for weight loss. It's not a one shot lose the weight and my life is fixed forever kind of thing. It's a process that you have to commit to for the rest of your life.
  • whiteoutplease
    I was on Topo for half a year, but had to quit when I realized I was stopping frequently mid-conversation to stare at my hands, which tingled constantly, cried at the drop of a hat, and couldn't think of common words. Now I control my migranes with botox and am working on lifestyle changes to see if I can control them without that. It's great if you can use Topomax without severe side effects.
  • thaliaraynne
    I am on Topamax for my seizure disorder as well, but I eat just fine and I eat all of my calories in a day and never go under and I don't have any copper taste when I eat or drink anything and I have been on it for almost 2 years. I do notice though that with this medication that if you eat a balanced diet and you exercise it will work with you, but if you just eat how you use to, it won't do jack crap for you. But I suppose its gonna react different for each person.
  • lulusmom
    I was put on topamax for ocular migraines that were rendering me blind for several hours a day. I was started on the lowest dose. Within a couple of months, I had lost my ability to do my job because I couldn't string together a coherent sentence orally or in writing. I mixed up words constantly and wrote/said things that I didn't mean to say/write. Then my hair started falling out.

    I cannot believe that doctors prescribe this medicine for weight loss. I understand that it is a "lesser evil" in some circumstances (my vision problems were worth giving it a try, even though I knew the risks), but losing weight just isn't one of them.

    Best of luck to you. Be careful. If you google Topamax, you will see that many people's horrific side effects were irreversible.
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    DON'T DO IT!!!!!!

    I was given Topamax AKA DOPEAMAX for Migraines and it made me CRAZY!!!! My vision would go in and out,my face would go numb,I would lose my train of thought,and I became REALLY EVIL!!!!!! I am a nice person..very calm and loving,but i ended up Cursing out a cashier at the grocery store for no reason...I stopped taking it after a week.Feverfew is NATURAl and it works great for Migraines.

    Losing weight is not worth your sanity...I was not even supposed to drive while on Topamax..
  • closecrew
    closecrew Posts: 19
    I just started the generic Topamax 50 mg I was wondering if this seems low for migraines. Everyone I talk to is on a higher does then I am. I don't have many side effect. I cant drink soda, I hardly have an appetite, and I have a little bit of tingling in my feet but nothing else. I have a hue decrease in my migraines. I have never had this kind of relief from my migraines in my life. It s amazing. It would be nice to get the side effect of weight loss. I don't think my does is high enough to get that side effect.
  • snowflake1010
    Im taking topamax for my epilepsy and epilepsy related migranes and since ive started taking it last july (7 months ago) I have lost 2 stone. Entirely due to topamax. For the first 5 months I had less appetite and I was eatimg less and smaller portions but now - frustratingly- ive lost too much weight (I know thats not what you want to hear), I cant afford to keep buying new clothes and its startkng to look stupid! Thing is, for the last two months ive had my appettite back and ive been eating more than ever. Ive just been on holiday for a week eatimg cook breakfasts every morning, huge lunches and 3 course dinners, not to mention the copious amounts of wine and im still losing about a lb every week. So I think its not just the appetite suspressant aspect of this drug, but that it alters your metabolism as someone has mentioned on another site. How ever just in case I am going to the doctor for a diabetes test. Starting to get freaked out when I eat 3 mc Donald s in a week and still lose 2lb.
  • tehawe85
    tehawe85 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on 100mg once per day, have been for years. It's the only thing that works for my migraines. I tried everything in middle-high school. Tried to back off to 50mg but migraines came back... :(
    I haven't had any major side effects. I don't remember it ever effecting my appetite either.
    I can't believe a doctor would prescribe topomax for weight loss only. Way to many possible side effects.
  • Driealice1105
    Me too I was just put on it today and know where does it say dont eat. So to those that dont eat lf course there will be more adverse affects. Do what your doctor says to do and I think you will be fine. So I am trying it out too and like you I also eat right and exercise so I think we will be fine.
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    Topamax can help you lose weight; however, it is a powerful drug that is nicknamed "Dopamax" because it makes you airheaded and stupid. I took it for about a week (for my seizures) and people thought something was seriously wrong with me or that I was mentally retarded. I wouldn't recommend taking it for weight loss purposes.

    My friend had the same experience and it really affected her career. I was prescribed Topamax once for migraine prophylaxis and had the same side effect. I took the pill, initially felt fine, then later on I literally FORGOT how to drive while I was on the highway with my child in the car. I put my window down to put my turn signal on, I confused the gas and brake pedals. It was terrifying. (We made it home safely.) It also made my hands and feet go numb, and anything carbonated (like pop) tasted disgusting. This was all after ONE dose and I never touched it again. I use holistic methods for migraines now, stress relief, adequate sleep, avoid triggers, etc. I definitely think this world would be a better place if people stopped medicating and started eating well, sleeping well, and avoiding drugs/alcohol.
  • melissajane83
    melissajane83 Posts: 54 Member
    This isn't about Topamax but I take another seizure med and have for well over 10 years. When i first started taking it, I weighed about 190 and i lost weight super fast. I mean to the point my doctor almost took me off of it. I got down to around 120 within about 6 months. I kept the weight off until i got pregnant. It doesn't have the same effects as far as weight loss on me anymore but i am still seizure free. :)
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Topamax can help you lose weight; however, it is a powerful drug that is nicknamed "Dopamax" because it makes you airheaded and stupid. I took it for about a week (for my seizures) and people thought something was seriously wrong with me or that I was mentally retarded. I wouldn't recommend taking it for weight loss purposes.

    My friend had the same experience and it really affected her career. I was prescribed Topamax once for migraine prophylaxis and had the same side effect. I took the pill, initially felt fine, then later on I literally FORGOT how to drive while I was on the highway with my child in the car. I put my window down to put my turn signal on, I confused the gas and brake pedals. It was terrifying. (We made it home safely.) It also made my hands and feet go numb, and anything carbonated (like pop) tasted disgusting. This was all after ONE dose and I never touched it again. I use holistic methods for migraines now, stress relief, adequate sleep, avoid triggers, etc. I definitely think this world would be a better place if people stopped medicating and started eating well, sleeping well, and avoiding drugs/alcohol.

    I am now terrified that doctors prescribe this off label. Or possibly at all to anyone.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Whoa zombie thread came back from the dead. I suggest people start new threads rather comment one ones from 2.5 years ago.

    That being said, I hold to my original comments on this thread, I would not recommend Topamax to anyone who doesn't experience seizures and even then I would recommend find alternatives. I was on Topamax for 1 year and stopped, that was almost 3 years ago and I still experience mental laxity from time to time. I think these meds did permanent damage to my brain.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    It has been many years since i tried topamax--not for weight loss in my case. i remember being sort of loopy while on it as others have commented.

    just an FYI (if applicable) happens to be one of the few drugs that interfers with the effectiveness of hormonal birth control. not all docs make a point of telling their patients that.
  • letissaclark
    letissaclark Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I was just prescribed topamax today for weight loss. I've had gastric bypass surgery and have been gaining back but faster. My Dr put me on this today but only at bedtime to prevent me from getting up all hours of the night eating cookies. She also said that this would help throughout the day as well. I can't wait to see what the results will be along with stopping the snacking and eating the right things with exercise.
  • Backpainisabitch
    Whoever keeps posting "try diet and exercise" has not had chronic pain that prevents exercise. If that alone worked for these people, they would not be looking for a pill. Some pain meds cause weight gain. You don't know what others are going through. Stop the simplistic and/or judgmental remarks.