Just need to Vent...viewer discretion, TMI about TOM

Okay, so since I have on the healthy eating band wagon, I have began to bring my lunches and snacks to work with me. We have a community refrigerator in our office that we all use ( there are only 7 people in my office building) I try to bring a weeks worth of snacks on Mondays so I dont have to worry about it the rest of the week...recently, I noticed that someone in my office is eating my healthy snacks, which are NOT cheap by any means. i have narrowed it down to the only other female that works in my office just because i know that the guys dont want to eat my healthy food, plus another co worker ratted her out...(lol) I am the kind of person that as long as you ask me, I dont mind sharing..but dont take without asking!!! :explode: :mad: So anyway I solved this problem by buying a small cooler that zips and putting a lock on it. I know this sounds juvenile,but my other solution was way too harsh ( I was going to put a large amount of laxative in my sugar free jam that she was eating and leave it in there for her, but I decided that was a little tooo juvenile:laugh: )
So I fixed the problem and just got over it.....UNTIL....I got to work this morning and TOM arrived....yuck, I keep a stash of tampons in the bathroom and went to get one...keep in mind that she is the ONLY other female that uses that bathroom, and they were all GONE!!! WTF????? I was never asked if she could use them, which I would have said go ahead if she had asked, No big deal....so there I am, surprised by TOM with no reinforcements! needless to say thank God I found a stray one in my purse, but now I have to use part of my lunch hour to go buy some because she is a freeloader! I guess I will have to lock them in my desk from now on.
The bad part about all this is that I love my coworker dearly except for this part of her, and saying something to her will not work because she is one of those people who are NEVER wrong in her mind.
I Just wanted to vent a little...now I feel better! :drinker:


  • sweetteacher123
    That stinks that someone felt the need to use your food and supplies without asking...or replacing! You may just have to keep all your stuff where you are the only one to have access to it! I hope your day goes better.
  • forgetthatday
    forgetthatday Posts: 7 Member
    I would've put the laxative in the jam... :-D
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I would've put the laxative in the jam... :-D
    Me too.
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    I would've put the laxative in the jam... :-D

    I agree. Or one of those purple ink packets, that banks put in money bags. :laugh:
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    laxative lol
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I would've put the laxative in the jam... :-D
    Me too.
    Me 3
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    :laugh: I thought long and hard about the laxative.....i had my reasons not to do it, one being that I share a bathroom with her...two if she had to go home because of digesting said laxative it would have made my job harder.....lol
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Maybe leave a little note on her desk that it's her turn to buy the tampons..... leave the brand, style, and double the size you bought (enough for 2) lol

    Or, be really OBVIOUS, and write your name on every single one. :devil:
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    i vote laxative! i think you should still do this! it's not too late. :devil:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    lol @ the exploding purple ink! For once, I'm glad I work in an office where I am the only female most of the time. And the woman that helps us out during the busy season doesn't need supplies anymore :) And the only guy remotely interested in my healthy food is always asking questions and I offer him samples of some of the better things - very considerate gentleman. I feel for you - stinks to have to keep everything under lock and key!
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    i would talk to her, or my supervisor about her behavior. Its just wrong to take coworkers things! i hope you get her back by the laxitives, screw her!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    See, I wouldn't have done the laxatives because she wouldn't have known it, you know? She would have been, like, "Woah, I feel sick. Weird." But may not have attributed it to your jam, so that may not have solved the problem. Buying the cooler and locking it was smarter because a) it keeps your food safe and b) it shows her that you KNOW she's taking your stuff and that it's not cool. It's a more in-your-face way of saying 'hands off, be-yotch!'

    As for the tampons, that is ANNOYING. Though to be fair, if I got my period at work and found tampons in the bathroom, I would have assumed they were there for everyone's use (much like the toilet paper is). I keep my tampons and pads in my desk so they're always there when I need them. Or else I'd put a big note on the tampons saying "property of Carrie, don't touch!" Then if she touched them, I could lose it on her!

    However that, combined with the food stealing... no wonder you're ticked off! I'd be pretty annoyed myself. Grrrrr.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    The tampon thing wouldnt have made me so mad if she would have just left me ONE! I understand the community property deal and all but I had an ENTIRE box in there (like 18 of them) and they were all gone!