Gastritis help?

Hey guys, the last few months I've been having gastritis (bloating, acid reflux, etc). My doctor tried me on Famotidine (generic Pepcid) and it made me seriously sick so that's out. Can anybody suggest a better cure? Has anybody had good luck with things like aloe juice?


  • 4mydogs
    4mydogs Posts: 66 Member
    Here are a few things that worked for me, I have suffered from digestive issues for years. First try Priolosec/Omeneprozale you can get it at any drug store its not script its starts within 24 hours, also get strong probiotics like 5-10 million, I cannot stress enough how helpful probiotics will be to you but you need to give them time to work, Also eat a soft diet, yogurt, toast, soups, rice etc, once the gastritis subsides, start eating more fiber slowlly and drink lots of water. Lastly if you drink soda, stop its horrible for gastritis also smoking and any spicy or fatty foods will irritate gastritis. I hope you feel better soon!!! Aloe Juice is ok, tasted terrible to me
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Eating green yogurt daily changed my life. Seriously. Also, try Beano while eating, it really works.