Hoping this works!

I think the easiest thing right now would be to reiterate the introduction from my profile:

I grew up in MS and as a teenager I never had any problems with weight. If anything I was severely underweight! Fast-forward to college graduation and a desk job and BAM I pack on close to 60 lbs. Decided it was time for a change so we moved to the Pacific Northwest where I stay pretty active. I love road biking and I hike quite a bit. After moving here I lost a good bit of the weight from excessive exercise with very little diet change. The past few years have been difficult to find time to exercise while juggling a career and family. Needless to say I've put on about 20 lbs.

I've been calorie counting off and on for a couple years now with little to no success (I think I over analyze the whole process to the point of failure). I'm hoping this time will be the charm.

I've got a great wife and two beautiful little girls. They're an awesome support team, but I'm looking to give and receive motivation from others in the trenches ya dig?