No More Excuses - Week 14



  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    The good news is I ran 4 miles again....................

    The bad news is I have 1000 calories left, and we are having super low fat, low in calorie, Chicken Salad, and I have to eat all those calories if I am going to meet this weeks challenge.

    I think I am going to have to eat the chicken salad between 2 krispy kremes in order to eat that many calories. Either that or go to the local Mexican food place and have a couple baskets of chips and sauce for desert.

    Any other suggestions?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    The good news is I ran 4 miles again....................

    The bad news is I have 1000 calories left, and we are having super low fat, low in calorie, Chicken Salad, and I have to eat all those calories if I am going to meet this weeks challenge.

    I think I am going to have to eat the chicken salad between 2 krispy kremes in order to eat that many calories. Either that or go to the local Mexican food place and have a couple baskets of chips and sauce for desert.

    Any other suggestions?

    Sorry, Jack. I never have a problem eating all my cals. I ended up over today because we went to Golden Corral for dinner, but it was sooo good!!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    It wasn't too hard for me to choke down those 6, yes I said 6 reduced fat crescent rolls. I would have had one more except I only had 4 calories left.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    It wasn't too hard for me to choke down those 6, yes I said 6 reduced fat crescent rolls. I would have had one more except I only had 4 calories left.

    Oooh, I love those! I have a recipe for a banana stuffed crescent roll with Splenda if you want it.
  • tigermom79
    The good news is I ran 4 miles again....................

    The bad news is I have 1000 calories left, and we are having super low fat, low in calorie, Chicken Salad, and I have to eat all those calories if I am going to meet this weeks challenge.

    I think I am going to have to eat the chicken salad between 2 krispy kremes in order to eat that many calories. Either that or go to the local Mexican food place and have a couple baskets of chips and sauce for desert.

    Any other suggestions?

    Hey Jack.....pass on your chicken salad recipe.....Sounds great!!!! Hope you hit your goal!!!!
  • tigermom79
    It wasn't too hard for me to choke down those 6, yes I said 6 reduced fat crescent rolls. I would have had one more except I only had 4 calories left.

    Oooh, I love those! I have a recipe for a banana stuffed crescent roll with Splenda if you want it.
    I doooooo PLEASE!!!!
  • tigermom79
    Good morning all!!!! Hope everyone's Wednesday is going splendidly!!! I have to go back and fill in my food log for yesterday. Forgot to finish it so I am not sure how I turned out! Will be doing well today I am sure!!! ;) Talk to everyone soon!
  • tigermom79
    Okay so I was about 200 under on my calories yesterday. Not bad, considering 350 added on for excercise!!! So I can live with that!

    Today looks like I am going to be way under though!!!! Will have to do something about that!

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening team...Thanks to everybody for your thoughts and prayers for hubby. He came out of surgery today around 12:00 and is doing okay. The surgery went well. He is just having a lot of pain. He gets a shot every 4 hours and pills in between. Tomorrow they want him to get up and walk some. He should be going home on Friday. I made terrible food choices for breakfast and lunch but I went home to check on the boys and had a Healthy Choice meal for dinner so maybe that helped a little. I will do better tomorrow. I hope to get back to the gym on Friday. No snow here, just cold and windy. Hope ya'll enjoy it. I'll try to post tomorrow. Thanks again for your support!!

    P.S. I will post the crescent roll recipe when I get home on Thursday.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Tammy - Glad to here the surgery went well.

    Today was an off day, just tired and blah. Still stayed well within my cals, only eating 1/2 of excercise cals, and went to step aerobics and burnt 633 cals. Tomorrow will do W1D2 of C25K, and abs/shoulder and core circuits from No More Trouble Zones (I hope).

    Tomorrow my son has his valentines party at playschool, so the afternoon will be busy. Other then that the same old here, starting to warm up some. Hope everyone had a good day.
  • tigermom79
    Good morning all! glad that your hubby is doing well!!! Don't worry about yesterday, I think you probably didn't do as bad as you thought. Besides....Today is a new day!!!!!

    Renae...sounds like you are doing well! That is super. I think we all have those "blah" days.

    I have a meeting this afternoon that I need to make sure I am prepared for!!!! YUCK!!!! I dread these monthly meetings and I don't really know why. For the most part, they go very smoothly. I just stress over them because I am such a perfectionist. Darn It!!!!

    My computer at home got a really bad virus in it, so my computer guy is havean it all out. It just popped up over night. Stupid thing!!!!

    Well, I have started my day off with my shake and am ready to go to work, so I guess I better get after it. Have a great Thursday everyone!!!!

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning All,

    Just finished working out. Did W1D2 of C25K. Burnt 373 cals, then did chest and abs, and upper body and core circuits on No More Trouhle Zones. Feeling good. Have a busy day today. Will check in later this evening. Hope everyone has a good day.

    Thanks Ann - I seem to be blowing the weekends to much, that during the week I just end up burning what I gained. Not making any progress. Hopefully tomorrows weigh in will be better. And next week will be bad, have our Winter Festival weekend, will be eating not the greastest and then there is beer on top. And then 2 weeks after that is the hockey draft day, so another weekend will be yucky. Just have to stay focused and take each day as it comes. I do hope to break the 160's by the end of the month, and I'm not quite sure it will be possible. Can't forget thou that this week is TOM, so hopefully that is the culprit this week.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Last Thursday: 183.5 pounds
    Today: 182 pounds

    I am down a pound this week. Yay

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Last Thursday: 183.5 pounds
    Today: 182 pounds

    I am down a pound this week. Yay


    Great work Sarina, you are doing so awesome.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening all...I am home for a few hours to type 2 tapes and then back to the hospital. Hubby is still in a lot of pain today. He probably won't go home til Saturday now. Hope everyone has a happy weekend.
  • tigermom79
    Morning all!

    Renae....stay at it and you will break through. Try different stuff to stimulize your body!!! Sometimes if you throw it for a loop it will react!! ;)

    Tammy...Sorry to hear your hubby is still in pain. Hopefully that will subside soon for him. He won't try to move if it hurts too much, so hopefully they can give him something to help!!!

    Sarina...Nice job! Keep it up.

    Jack......where are you????? Hope all is still going well for you.

    It is a sad day in my little world.:sad: A very dear man passed away this morning. He is the dad of my best friend. Her and I became friends through the International Order of Rainbow for Girls. I was Grand Worthy Advisor (like the president of a club) and she was like my V-P. We became life long friends and our families as well. He will be sadly missed and never forgotten!

    Well....I'm off to start my day at work. Survived my board meeting yesterday.....GEEZ it lasted forever, but I managed to stay away from the M & M's and the Cookies. However there are cookies left! GRRRR....... I really want one!!!! I may have to have one and then get rid of the rest!!

    Everyone have a great Friday!!!

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all, I woke up with a very stuffy head. I don't think I will be doing any exercising today, but will get on the treadmill tomorrow. My back is also killing me, need to go back to the chiro next week.

    My mom, sister, and brother-in-law, run our own little BL. Weigh in every Friday. Each week the winner is safe, and the rest pay $5. At the end the biggest % loser wins the cash. Well today was not a good weigh in, was doing so good all week, even thought I would be down a pound, then I got TOM (Jack must love when we talk about TOM), and I am up 1.2 to 165.2. I am hoping that goes away for our weigh in here on Sunday.

    Busy doing laundry and books today. Only -9C here this morning, so the kids and I will walk to get mail and paper, then they can play outside for awhile.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. I am hoping I don't go crazy with eating this weekend. I am going to treat myself to my bag of tacos this weekend, but will just try to eat them in moderation. Don't think I will be drinking much since my head is so stuffy.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Sorry, yesterday was a very stressful day with work, ended up working til close to midnight to prepare 2 presentations for this morning.

    I did manage to get a 3 mile run in yesterday, but I totally lost track of my food, and ended up 250 calories under (should have skipped the run I guess) I didn't even get my food entered until this morning. Anyway, presentations are over now, and looking forward to a 3 day weekend.

    Ranae, hope you get feeling better,

    Tammy, hope your husband recovers quickly

    Ann, sorry for your loss,but good job avoiding the cookies and M&Ms.

    I think I am going to lose some pounds this week, been on a bit of a fateau for the last few weeks.

    PS, everytime I see the word TOM on this board, I cover my ears and say LALALALALLALALLALALALALALA.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Sorry, yesterday was a very stressful day with work, ended up working til close to midnight to prepare 2 presentations for this morning.

    I did manage to get a 3 mile run in yesterday, but I totally lost track of my food, and ended up 250 calories under (should have skipped the run I guess) I didn't even get my food entered until this morning. Anyway, presentations are over now, and looking forward to a 3 day weekend.

    Ranae, hope you get feeling better,

    Tammy, hope your husband recovers quickly

    Ann, sorry for your loss,but good job avoiding the cookies and M&Ms.

    I think I am going to lose some pounds this week, been on a bit of a fateau for the last few weeks.

    PS, everytime I see the word TOM on this board, I cover my ears and say LALALALALLALALLALALALALALA.

    You made me giggle Jack.

    Took the kids for a 25 min walk around the village today, burned 253 cals. So not bad since I wasn't going to do anything today. Might not get on the treadmill tomorrow, might go ice fishing with the hubby.
  • tigermom79

    PS, everytime I see the word TOM on this board, I cover my ears and say LALALALALLALALLALALALALALA.

    That is cute Jack!!!! You sound like my boys!!! It is hell to be the only female in our house sometimes!!! ;)