Straw that broke the camel's back



  • I saw a photo my brother took of me when we were eating out for his birthday! I looked huge and I had about 4 plates in front of me! Yuck! smh my blood pressure is high and I am borderline diabetic. I am totally afraid of having health issues so it was time to get it together!
  • sepibo
    sepibo Posts: 25 Member
    I've been putting off losing weight for a loooong time! In the end of October I was asked if I would participate in the company's 5K run. I couldn't say no (due to team building, new at the company etc, etc. - it was just wiser to say yes) I also knew I couldn't "run" with all weight that hanging on me. So I set a goal to lose at least 8 lbs by the time of the race. The race is this weekend and I have one more pound to go for that.

    From there I plan to lose another 4 by Christmas, another 8 by Valentines Day and another 5 by my Birthday and so on. At this point my total weightloss goal is 40 lbs, so hopefully, I'll be there in the near future.
  • nnoifeld
    nnoifeld Posts: 116
    Thought that I looked cute and saw a picture of me with my friends. Realized I couldn't use the "it's the baby weight" excuse anymore!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Not liking what I look like naked and noticing that I was starting to try to hide my body from my husband. After only 3 years of marriage, that's not what I want to be doing.
  • I had to buy a dress for a formal work dinner recently, I couldn't bear the thought of anything sleeveless, which only left me the option of dresses that were too old for me. I tried on about 20, everything looked horrendous and I ended up crying in the changing room for about 20 minutes. I found a dress that was 'ok' and wore a cardigan over it. Then when i saw the pictures of myself afterwards, I nearly died. So it's very much a self-esteem thing for me, I don't ever want to cry in a changing room again!
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    I have had a lot of back trouble 2 discs that slipped in and out for no good reason!I also felt going over 40 that I was just letting myself go Id lost weight before but never kept it off my biggest mistake was to stop tracking when I reached my target weight I would implore anyone not to do this tracking keeps you in line! I can run for 20 minutes now and could keep going for another 20 if I had the time,I couldnt run for 20 seconds before! I find it difficult to accept that Im fitter than I was 20 years ago! I want to respect my health while I have it! you cant hold back time but you can make the time you have worth it!!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I lost a lot of weight before I joined MFP - but my friends recommended it, so I signed up - and love it.

    As for my initial push? I long suspected I had PCOS - facial hair, apple shape, and most upsetting of all: thinning hair. My hair was my crowning glory; my security blanket when I had a Fat Day. Now that guarantee wasn't there. And I decided - I'm losing my best feature, how about making my body a bit of a better one?

    Bluntly - I can be fat and balding. Or I could just be balding.
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    On my friends wedding day I weighed myself (I always have regularly) and hated the high number. That day I went out for a tempo run and my ankle was agony. I had a stress fracture and had to take nearly 4 months off my beloved running. I then had to really knuckle down and count cals as even though I was running marathons I was still eating way too much.

    I am now back to running marathons just 4-5kg lighter which makes it so much better.
    And I look better in my clothes and running kit :drinker:
  • I've been struggling since I got married last year and gained 20 lbs. I don't want to be that person to just let myself go. I've started recently because my clothes are getting too tight, and it's also a lot cheaper than buying a whole new wardrobe.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    The obvious reason should be for health reasons. Increasing blood pressure, so close to pre-diabetic, and just flat out miserable all the time. But my reason? I really got disgusted at my reflection. I knew there was no real reason or excuse for me to be that big.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    A couple years ago I went through a very stressful time and didn't watch what I ate, quit exercising and just basically didn't take care of myself like I used to. Then my husband surprised me with a nice big makeup table with an enormous mirror and I had to sit there every day and see myself for the first time as big as can be. My size 14 jeans were getting tighter and tighter on me and I was feeling horrible about myself as well as having a lot of hip pain. Dislocated my one hip 2x's doing simple things most people do with ease. Then went to the dr's for a check up but my regular dr. was out so the one who covered for him did my full work up. He told me straight out that my BMI was in the obese range!! EEKKK I was mortified. Thats when it really hit me and I knew I had to do something about it. We went over all of my meds. Got me off of them all one by one. I joined MFP before that dr's visit but my weight wasn't moving. Joined WW and got off my one last MS med that was not helping at all with weight issues and the weight finally started to come off. That was this past May. Down 52 pounds now and no more hip pain, no more fibro pain, no more high bp so I was taken off those meds as well. Just wish I would have had a wake up call sooner before needing those size 14 jeans. now I'm down to a very loose size 10 skinny jeans and looking forward to losing a couple more pounds and shopping for size 8's. :happy:
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    The situation that finally gave the "push" I needed to start losing weight was humiliating. I went out to the bar for my 26th Birthday, and for the first time in my life, I was insulted about my looks by strangers. I was waiting to have my order taken by the bartender, and a young man behind me told his friend, "This is useless we need to find a new spot--she is never going to get a drink on because she is fat and ugly." The friend in return replied, "Dude, I'm pretty she can hear you." .... He was right, I definitely could hear them! The second occurrence was about 30 minutes later. I was walking to the bar's restroom and there were two (different) guys leaning against the wall on the way there. As I walked by, one yelled out, "Don't worry, it's what is on the inside that counts!"
    I had NEVER been insulted like this in my life...let alone twice in one night. That's when I knew I had let it go too far. Honestly, I should thank them for giving me the final motivation I needed to change my life. It's been 6 weeks and I am losing weight (10lb so far). I feel better, healthier, stronger, and more energized already; my confidence is going up, and I am teaching what I am learning to others around me. I'm dedicated to making a lifestyle change--and I am so damn proud of myself!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    The situation that finally gave the "push" I needed to start losing weight was humiliating. I went out to the bar for my 26th Birthday, and for the first time in my life, I was insulted about my looks by strangers. I was waiting to have my order taken by the bartender, and a young man behind me told his friend, "This is useless we need to find a new spot--she is never going to get a drink on because she is fat and ugly." The friend in return replied, "Dude, I'm pretty she can hear you." .... He was right, I definitely could hear them! The second occurrence was about 30 minutes later. I was walking to the bar's restroom and there were two (different) guys leaning against the wall on the way there. As I walked by, one yelled out, "Don't worry, it's what is on the inside that counts!"
    I had NEVER been insulted like this in my life...let alone twice in one night. That's when I knew I had let it go too far. Honestly, I should thank them for giving me the final motivation I needed to change my life. It's been 6 weeks and I am losing weight (10lb so far). I feel better, healthier, stronger, and more energized already; my confidence is going up, and I am teaching what I am learning to others around me. I'm dedicated to making a lifestyle change--and I am so damn proud of myself!

    Your tone is so positive, and you sound so motivated - and that's what I'm taking from this post. Well done!

    BUT! God, I want to punch some people in the face until I'm weak with exhaustion. What is WRONG with people?
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    I know! I think I was so shocked that I couldn't definitely opened my eyes!
  • The situation that finally gave the "push" I needed to start losing weight was humiliating. I went out to the bar for my 26th Birthday, and for the first time in my life, I was insulted about my looks by strangers. I was waiting to have my order taken by the bartender, and a young man behind me told his friend, "This is useless we need to find a new spot--she is never going to get a drink on because she is fat and ugly." The friend in return replied, "Dude, I'm pretty she can hear you." .... He was right, I definitely could hear them! The second occurrence was about 30 minutes later. I was walking to the bar's restroom and there were two (different) guys leaning against the wall on the way there. As I walked by, one yelled out, "Don't worry, it's what is on the inside that counts!"
    I had NEVER been insulted like this in my life...let alone twice in one night. That's when I knew I had let it go too far. Honestly, I should thank them for giving me the final motivation I needed to change my life. It's been 6 weeks and I am losing weight (10lb so far). I feel better, healthier, stronger, and more energized already; my confidence is going up, and I am teaching what I am learning to others around me. I'm dedicated to making a lifestyle change--and I am so damn proud of myself!

    Your tone is so positive, and you sound so motivated - and that's what I'm taking from this post. Well done!

    BUT! God, I want to punch some people in the face until I'm weak with exhaustion. What is WRONG with people?

    I'll hold their arms for you. The amount of abuse I've had shouted at me in the street. . . . It's as bad as the weird aggressive sexual 'compliments' for ruining my mood.
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    The situation that finally gave the "push" I needed to start losing weight was humiliating. I went out to the bar for my 26th Birthday, and for the first time in my life, I was insulted about my looks by strangers. I was waiting to have my order taken by the bartender, and a young man behind me told his friend, "This is useless we need to find a new spot--she is never going to get a drink on because she is fat and ugly." The friend in return replied, "Dude, I'm pretty she can hear you." .... He was right, I definitely could hear them! The second occurrence was about 30 minutes later. I was walking to the bar's restroom and there were two (different) guys leaning against the wall on the way there. As I walked by, one yelled out, "Don't worry, it's what is on the inside that counts!"
    I had NEVER been insulted like this in my life...let alone twice in one night. That's when I knew I had let it go too far. Honestly, I should thank them for giving me the final motivation I needed to change my life. It's been 6 weeks and I am losing weight (10lb so far). I feel better, healthier, stronger, and more energized already; my confidence is going up, and I am teaching what I am learning to others around me. I'm dedicated to making a lifestyle change--and I am so damn proud of myself!

    Your tone is so positive, and you sound so motivated - and that's what I'm taking from this post. Well done!

    BUT! God, I want to punch some people in the face until I'm weak with exhaustion. What is WRONG with people?

    I'll hold their arms for you. The amount of abuse I've had shouted at me in the street. . . . It's as bad as the weird aggressive sexual 'compliments' for ruining my mood.

    Unfortunately there are immature, rude people in the world. I had been blaming my confidence and appearance problems on a haircut (that sounds ridiculous, but true). I finally realized that it didn't matter how much or how little hair I had, I am still overweight and I'm the only one that can change that. Thank you for the support!
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I saw a picture of myself at 193lbs and was absolutely blown away at how big I looked. I broke down, sobbing in my husbands lap again and he told me, "this is the last time you cry over this, either you do something NOW or we are going to have a bigger issue." It was exactly what I needed I vowed never to see 200 and got to work.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I was a very healthy/active person before I got pregnant...after I had my daughter....I really had trouble motivating myself to get back to who I was. I used her as such an excuse and I used to say "why do I care if I'm thin, I'm only going to have another kid".....truth was I was just pissed at myself for not being motivated enough to just get back to who I was before...I was just full of excuses. She was 1 1/2 and I was still telling myself it was "ok" that I hadn't lost all the baby weight yet...I still had time.....then...TWICE in a month i had people as me if I was pregnant that point I stepped on the scale and realized I was less than 10 lbs away from what I weighted when I was 9 months pregnant with ANOTHER HUMAN BEING inside me.........that was it...I was done, no excuses and I got things back in gear. Truth is, I do plan to try and have another kid next year and I'm so grateful that I am back in shape because I had a great 1st pregnancy and was healthy and active and had a great delivery thanks to having such a strong my next kid deserves that as well......
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    My youngest son's weight was getting out of control. I felt really bad speaking to his doctor about the weight issue when mine was out of control too. I been at this for 9 months and he has stopped gaining weight but his growing inches so he is looking thinner these days.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    I had lost a lot of weight (125 pounds) about 10 years ago. Since then I had gained back 65 pounds. This summer I had a work event that was physically demanding in a way my desk job normally isn't. To be fair, it was outside and during one of the hottest Kansas City summers on record, but after 3 days of working outside, running up and down steps, carrying boxes etc, I had to take 2 days off to recover. I lost 15 pounds in those 3 days (I'm sure most of it was water weight). Seeing the lower number on the scale and being disgusted with myself for being so out of shape reminded me that losing weight was hard but not impossible and I should finish what I started. I was only 20 pounds away from my goal when I quit and started the climb back up those years ago. This time is different. My boyfriend and I are doing it together- having a partner makes saying no to bad things easier. Someone to work out with, walk with, play tennis with etc makes the exercising easier for me. Someone who loved me at this weight, 65 pounds lighter, 25 pounds heavier. He has lost 68 pounds and I love that I can hug him now and grasp my hands behind his back. We are both more......adventerous these days :blushing: :smokin: :huh: