Remember the Military During the Holidays (#6 for you, Em)



  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Being deployed to the middle east during the holidays is no fun. Care packages are nice if you want to do something that will be appreciated.

    We send one every year!! :)
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    So basically administer Wall-to-Wall counseling when and where needed!!

    In the Marines this is called Physical Counseling...and administered abundantly...

  • BritneysStuntDouble
    We applied to "adopt" soldiers to join us for Thanksgiving this year.

    The bad news? We weren't chosen.

    The good news? There were more families offering invitations than soldiers looking for place to spend the day.
    How do you do this?
    Our local base had a link on their website, plus I heard about it on the radio. Try Googling your nearest base and the word "adopt". Otherwise, try calling the base.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    I have ONE protest.

    If you're not military, how are you going to know how to kick so much *kitten*? :)
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    My husband (Army vet) wants to call our baby "Little Grunt" Is that bad?

    Good post P!
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    My husband (Army vet) wants to call our baby "Little Grunt" Is that bad?

    So cute!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member

    I have ONE protest.

    If you're not military, how are you going to know how to kick so much *kitten*? :)

    You don't have to be military to know how to kick could be a martial artist, boxer, street fighter, cage fighter....or just know basic self defense.
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    I have ONE protest.

    If you're not military, how are you going to know how to kick so much *kitten*? :)

    You don't have to be military to know how to kick could be a martial artist, boxer, street fighter, cage fighter....or just know basic self defense.

    NO! Only military personnel kick *kitten*. This is a true fact.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    You don't have to be military to know how to kick could be a martial artist, boxer, street fighter, cage fighter....or just know basic self defense.

    For example:
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    5. Next time you come across an *Air Force* member, do not ask them, 'Do you fly a jet?' Not everyone in the Air Force is a pilot. Such ignorance deserves an *kitten*-kicking (children are exempt).

    Retired military brat here... born Marine, retired Air Force.... anyway, my dad used to say he "flies desks".... as an NCO he was not allowed (nor had the training) to fly or navigate a jet....

    And on all this *kitten* kicking note... I wish I could go back in time and give a good *kitten* kicking to an ignorant hippy that in a conversation with me called Veteran's "federal free-loaders"... simply because a government office he needed was closed for Veteran's Day... but alas, I was a relatively new student worker and did not want to rock the boat, so I just kindly corrected him by saying "No, sir. Veteran's day".
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Rules for the Non-Military

    Dear Civilians, 'We know that the current state of affairs in our great nation has many civilians up in arms and excited to join the military.

    For those of you who can't join, you can still lend a hand. Here are a few of the areas where we would like your assistance:

    1. The next time you see any adults talking (or wearing a hat) during the playing of the National Anthem- kick their *kitten*.

    2. When you witness, firsthand, someone burning the American Flag in protest - kick their *kitten*.

    3. Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highest amount of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise, quietly pull them aside and explain how these veterans fought for the very freedom they bask in every second. Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these veterans made to make this Nation great. Then hold them down while a disabled veteran kicks their *kitten*.

    4. If you were never in the military, DO NOT pretend that you were. Wearing battle dress uniforms (BDUs) or Jungle Fatigues, telling others that you used to be 'Special Forces'. Collecting GI Joe memorabilia, might have been okay when you were seven years old, now, it will only make you look stupid and get your *kitten* kicked.

    5. Next time you come across an *Air Force* member, do not ask them, 'Do you fly a jet?' Not everyone in the Air Force is a pilot. Such ignorance deserves an *kitten*-kicking (children are exempt).

    6. If you witness someone calling the Coast Guard 'non-military', inform them of their mistake - and kick their *kitten*.

    7. Next time Old Glory (the US flag) prances by during a parade, get on your damn feet and pay homage to her by placing your hand over your heart. This includes arrogant politicians who think someone may be offended. Quietly thank the military member or veteran lucky enough to be carrying her - of course, failure to do either of those could earn you a severe *kitten*-kicking.

    9. 'Your mama wears combat boots' never made sense to me - stop saying it! If she did, she would most likely be a vet and therefore would kick your *kitten*!

    10. 'Flyboy' (*Air Force*), 'Jarhead' (*Marines*), 'Grunt' (*Army*), 'Squid' (*Navy*), 'Puddle Jumpers'(*Coast Guard*) Bubblehead (Subsailor)etc., are terms of endearment we use describing each other.
    Unless you are a service member or vet, you have not earned the right to use them. Using them
    could get your *kitten* kicked.

    11. Last, but not least, whether or not you become a member of the military, support our troops and their families. Every Thanksgiving and holiday that you enjoy with family and friends, please remember that there are literally thousands of soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen far from home wishing they could be with their families. Thank our military and the sacrifices they make every day. Without them, our country would get its *kitten* kicked.

    12. It's the Veteran, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press.
    It's the Veteran, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.
    It's the Veteran, not the community organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate.
    It's the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    If you don't stand behind our troops, PLEASE feel free to stand in front of them!

    I suppose I am going to be the odd man out here.
    I am a Veteran although it is now over 16 years since I last wore the uniform.
    I fought for a number of things and one of the biggest ones was freedom.

    Guess what?
    Freedom works for everyone.
    If somebody decides not to stand up when the flag is being passed, that is their right. That is their freedom. I bled to allow them to remain seated if they wish.

    If someone wants to burn the stars and stripes, that is protected under the Constitution and I fought very hard to protect those rights.
    I might not agree with the action but, I will be dammed if I will stop someone from excersizing the freedoms that I have fought for and that others have died for.

    I will step off my soapbox now.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member

    I have ONE protest.

    If you're not military, how are you going to know how to kick so much *kitten*? :)

    You don't have to be military to know how to kick could be a martial artist, boxer, street fighter, cage fighter....or just know basic self defense.

    NO! Only military personnel kick *kitten*. This is a true fact.

    Or Chuck Norris. :happy:
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    lol @ coasties.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    My kids can proudly say their mama wore combat boots, and their daddy and their grandpas and their uncles and their aunt. This is looking like to first holiday when all that are still active duty will be home with their families in years.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Or Chuck Norris. :happy:

    WHOO! Isn't Chuck Norris military?
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I suppose I am going to be the odd man out here.
    I am a Veteran although it is now over 16 years since I last wore the uniform.
    I fought for a number of things and one of the biggest ones was freedom.

    Guess what?
    Freedom works for everyone.
    If somebody decides not to stand up when the flag is being passed, that is their right. That is their freedom. I bled to allow them to remain seated if they wish.

    If someone wants to burn the stars and stripes, that is protected under the Constitution and I fought very hard to protect those rights.
    I might not agree with the action but, I will be dammed if I will stop someone from excersizing the freedoms that I have fought for and that others have died for.

    I will step off my soapbox now.

    My dear. I don't believe this post is meant to seriously encourage people to kick *kitten*. Instead it is the spirit BEHIND the post that should be considered.

    No one is truly fighting to take away freedoms. Instead we are fighting a mentality that is dismissive and disrespectful.

    Just because you fought for our freedom doesn't mean you want us to be stupid idiots does it? You won't teach your children these actions are acceptable, will you? Then join with us in the spirit of what this post means and don't worry - no *kitten* will actually be kicked.
  • BritneysStuntDouble
    I suppose I am going to be the odd man out here.
    I am a Veteran although it is now over 16 years since I last wore the uniform.
    I fought for a number of things and one of the biggest ones was freedom.

    Guess what?
    Freedom works for everyone.
    If somebody decides not to stand up when the flag is being passed, that is their right. That is their freedom. I bled to allow them to remain seated if they wish.

    If someone wants to burn the stars and stripes, that is protected under the Constitution and I fought very hard to protect those rights.
    I might not agree with the action but, I will be dammed if I will stop someone from excersizing the freedoms that I have fought for and that others have died for.

    I will step off my soapbox now.
    True dat.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Or Chuck Norris. :happy:

    WHOO! Isn't Chuck Norris military?

    *ran to go check* Huh! You are right... Did not know that... He was in the Air Force. He was in the Security Forces in S. Korea.... No wonder he knows how to kick *kitten* so well.