Diet Soda Cupcakes


I am making my first batch of Diet Soda cupcakes tomorrow - can't wait! Do you think I can use Diet Sprite with Strawberry cake mix? I don't want them to come out tasting funny.

Thanks so much.

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  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I've never had any diet soda cake that came out tasting bad - in ANY combination! Let us know if it's good :smile:
  • HulaCherry
    Thanks so much. I'll definitely keep you posted. :-D
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    How does a diet pop cake work???
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    I seen another posting the other day that said they used diet sprite and diet 7up in the strawberry...Please keep us posted I am planning on doing this for hubby for Valentines Day..I even thought about slicing the cake and adding sugar free vannila or cheese cake pudding in the middle and fat free cool whip to the top with just a few nuts to top it off..:love:
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    yes how does this work and can you post the recipe on here i would so very much like to try this.. txs:smile:
  • EmilyT85
    Diet Cherry and Coke Zero Cherry are great in chocolate cake mix!
  • iamalexa
    Is it better for you thank regular cupcakes/cake?
  • leilamarie
    leilamarie Posts: 10 Member
    I used to do this all the time and have tried so many variations. One of my favorites is a lemon cake mix with Black Cherry Fresca! OMG! I actually served it at a dinner party, with grilled pineapple, and FF cool whip. It went over great and no one knew my little secret!

    For chocolate Diet Root Beer is my favorite!

    FYI... Keep in mind that the top of the muffins stay really really moist and get sticky after the 2nd day. If you have a cupcake holder it keeps them from sticking to one another.

  • HulaCherry
    All you do is take any regular box cake mix and add a can of room temperature soda. That's it!

    They say dark soda with dark cake mix and light soda with light cake mix. That's why I wasn't sure what to do with strawberry cake mix!

  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    could be interesting have to try this!!!
  • greenfairy
    okay, so no eggs, water or oil? Just soda and cake mix? Just want to clarify, it sounds like a really good idea to bring in to the girls at work (who are all watching what they eat).. But I was wondering... Betty Crocker just came out with Gluten Free cake mixes, do you think it would work with this?

    Thanks for any information... I've actually never heard of this before!
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Personally, I add an egg (or sometimes just an egg white) because it makes them a bit fluffier.
    I usually do white cake mix with orange/strawberry/black cherry/lemon lime soda, or really any flavor. Some people swear by white cake and root beer. A whole lot of people also like Devil's Food cake mix with Diet Cherry Pepsi or something.
  • HulaCherry
    Yup - cake mix and diet soda - that's it!

    Apparently the carbonation helps make the cupcakes super light and fluffy.
  • greenfairy
    okie dokie... thank you much!
  • summer6102
    Wow sweet I love cake I just had all the extras Im gonna try this Strawberry and diet sprite! hmmmm.............
  • kelli_panzera
    We tried a vanilla cake with diet orange soda and lite whipped topping. My kids liked it better than regular cake!
  • robbienjill2
    just made red velvet with Sprite Zero Friday night. It was yummy. Rob even liked them!!

    This is jill under Rob's nic btw:wink:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    if you're in the south & have access to sundrop try diet sundrop & a lemon cake mix...YUM!!! or I've also done diet sunkist & a white cake mix - also AMAZING :bigsmile:
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    I made these last week, I used lemon cake mix and diet squirt ....yummmmmy!
    I did as some others suggested and added TWO egg whites, Very light and fluffy, I made mine into cupcakes and added a dollop of ff cool whip, Very very good.

    Had a hard time not eating more than one. I am weak and tempted by home baked goodies. Be careful you will need willpower.
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    n:huh: obody has asked how much soda? a can?