Food Network

TayPat24 Posts: 131
Hey all,
I am very addicted to watching the Food Network, even as I type it is on my T.V. and I can hear it. I'm not sure if I am hurting or helping myself with this. Before I started this journey, watching the Food Network would make me very hungry and I would run right for the chips, I use to eat a big bag a night! Now I'm fighting the urge to run to the store and get a bag.
So this could either be hurting me by getting my urges up, or helping me learn how to fight those urges....any thoughts?


  • Interesting. Both my wife and I love the food network, Triple D, Chopped and Iron Chef probably being our favorites. We thought for sure that we'd have to find some new form on entertainment once we started our weight loss journey!

    Chips? Yeah my nemesis... I've traded them for Pop Chip Snacks, Carrots or believe it or not.... a small bowl of corn flakes w/o milk. ;)

    Try for an alternative... If it isn't working for you, I'd suggest eliminating the temptation and change the channel.

    Good luck!
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