My Declaration Day

TakeTheBlack Posts: 2 Member
Back in March of 2011 I weighed 193 pounds. I had begun to comfortably fit into size 36 pants and the difference could really be seen in photos. My second chin was definitely less pronounced, I had pretty good energy levels, and I wasn’t craving crappy foods.

Something happened between then and now, and here I sit at 219 pounds. After months of non-regulation on what I ate and no mandate on physical activity I’m now barely sqeezing into size 38 pants and even considered trying on a pair of size 40 pants the other day.

I understand that the number on the scale itself isn’t the most important thing in the world. But it’s symbolic of how one takes care of themselves. I haven’t been taking care of myself. And my ability to take care of my family has suffered. I’m constantly tired, I have no energy to play with my kids and I hate myself for that. They deserve better.

This ends today. Not tomorrow, not on January 1st. I’m sick and tired of “starting” on the right track at some future date. Today is today. The things I will be committed to doing over the next few weeks to better take care of myself (and my family) will be:

Tracking every thing I eat
Planning food for the next day every night when the kids are in bed
Lifting weights 3 times a week
Quitting all Starbucks visits including coffee

Once these changes are implemented I will move on to changing more things, but these are the core issues that have made me as fat as I am today.

Someone once said “there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path”. As of today I’m running down that mother. Maybe slowly at first, but I’ll start picking up speed. Hopefully if I post progress here with this community I can get the much needed accountability that I know will make a difference.
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