Insomnia D:

ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
I have having very bad insomnia for months now. I have always been a night owl and have always gotten away with the bare minimum of sleep but for the past few months it has gotten way worse and now has become intolerable. I can't take it!! It doesn't matter how early I wake up (I have even pulled all nighters with no naps all day expecting to be nodding off by about 10 which I WAS but even then I could not fall asleep!!) I only let myself have pop or other caffeine once a week (on free day lol), I have a pretty good diet (cuz of this site xD ) and I exercise regularly and not too close to bed time (usually about 3 -4 hours before bed if I even do it that late which I don't always)

I am ready to make a Dr appt but I have heard that unless it is due to physical problems a general doc won't do you any good. I have also heard that even sleep clinics aren't very knowledgeable about insomnia and will basically try and shove pills down your throat...

At this point I will take meds I am just afraid of becoming dependent on them or being prescribed a medicine that will do more harm than good. Have any of you kind folks had any experience with this? Any meds that have (or haven''t) helped you?? please and thank you!!!


  • SofaKingRad_
    The doc will give you Ambien :heart: Been there, done that, can't f*ckin' wait to get that stuff again!
  • melodiclyrics
    melodiclyrics Posts: 82 Member
    When I have problems sleeping I take melatonin, I've used unisom in the past, but melatonin seems to work for me. A lot of things I've read basically tell you the following:

    Do not use your bed for anything but sleeping. That way your body associates being in bed with sleep (so, no TV, video games, reading, etc in bed.)
    Take a warm bath/shower before bed to help you relax.

    I personally do read in bed before sleep, but it doesn't distract me (usually) from sleep. The biggest thing that's helped me with my sleep patterns is regularity. When I was working crazy hours, and going to bed and waking up at different times, it made it difficult to sleep well. Now that I'm going to bed and getting up at the same time (generally) every day, it's much easier to fall asleep.

    Maybe try to put on some relaxing music, or white noise?

    Hopefully there's a solution, but I wouldn't count out going to the doctor, and seeing if they can find you a specialist, or something??
  • BritneysStuntDouble
    I usually flip between Cinemax and Adult Swim. Cinemax is the one that makes me tired.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    you could always trying reading one of the 1200 calorie threads,,,,good for a :yawn:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member