NSV! 5k (3.1miles) straight!

It's the first time I've ran a 5k with no breaks! I just ran it in 35:08 which to me is a great start. My goal is sub 28 by this time next month but that was a huge huge step for me. I've done it before with a break or two but this time I gunned it and pushed through the blocks.

Whew what a day!!


  • rousehouse
    rousehouse Posts: 133 Member
    That's awesome, great job! I'm still working on it myself. I can do 5k in about 37 minutes total but I usually run my first mile, then alternate walking (4 mph) and running (6-6.5 mph) in 3 minute chunks until I'm done. I hope when I'm a bit lighter that I'll be able run the entire time. Congrats again!

  • kmakar
    kmakar Posts: 103
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    Me gusta :)
  • cwettstain
    cwettstain Posts: 58 Member
    That's about my pace! I know that feeling of finally doing a 5k distance after trying for so long. Congrats!
  • ehmadore
    ehmadore Posts: 72 Member
    Awesome time!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Excellent!!! Great first 5k time too!
  • sndiane
    sndiane Posts: 83 Member
  • jwuornii
    jwuornii Posts: 5 Member
    Great job! Keep up the good work and nice time!
  • llangstraat
    llangstraat Posts: 130 Member
    That's awesome! I can't run a whole 5k yet and usually walk/run alternate and do about a 13 min mile but I can't wait to run the whole thing! Kudos to you!
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    im saying that's not a bad time at all. Remember to exercise for health not for the opposite.
  • JudySwims
    JudySwims Posts: 52 Member
    Once you can do a 5k there is NO stopping you!!!
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    Awsome, great job man !
  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
    GREAT job!! Running is so difficult but you did it!! Congrats on your accomplishment!
  • deedah1216
    deedah1216 Posts: 16 Member
    Awesome job!!!! I just completed my second 5K and I'm now training for a 10K. I ran mine in about 40 minutes, a 13.11 mile pace accordning to the race results. I'm just coming back to running after a fractured ankle and was just happy to cross the finish line.

    Keep up the great work!!!!!
  • shrinkingislander
    shrinkingislander Posts: 315 Member
    Oh, how exciting, running becomes quite addictive. I am running 5X a week for at 5.3km (my loop is wierd and I wanted some hills. I just started being able to run the entire distance with the exception of the 3 big hills. In a few weeks I hope to conquer them too.
  • shrinking_me
    shrinking_me Posts: 207 Member

    I'm seriously considering giving this running thing a go! lol
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I live for the endorphin and adrenaline rush of running and lifting weights. I can't stop.

    Thanks for the back pats folks I appreciate it. I also want to say- I started at 260lb not being able to run a single minute. This has taken a long long time but you can do it too!
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    GREAT JOB!!!!

    I actually did the SAME thing tonight! The last time I went the full distance I had to walk a few minutes but tonight I finished the whole thing running for the very first time and it felt awesome!
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