How bad would this potentially be...



  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    You might find this site interesting:

    I might give it a go at some point as it means I could kinda pig out as I like to do every day :).

    I'll check this out later my work computer blocks it. Is this intermittent fasting also?
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    You can fast until dinner time and eat all your calories at once, the time of day you eat will not affect weight loss. Also, a lot of people on MFP are intermittent fasters, which means we eat out food in certain time windows of the day! Whenever I'm visiting family or going to an event where I know a lot of my favourite foods will be present I adjust my "eating window" in to that time.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    That's how I do it everyday. Have a small, low calorie breakfast AND lunch and you could easily have 600-800 calories for dinner. If not more depending how your calorie intake. Plenty!
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    You can fast until dinner time and eat all your calories at once, the time of day you eat will not affect weight loss. Also, a lot of people on MFP are intermittent fasters, which means we eat out food in certain time windows of the day! Whenever I'm visiting family or going to an event where I know a lot of my favourite foods will be present I adjust my "eating window" in to that time.

    I'm definitely down to try it. I can absolutely not eat all day if I know I'll be eating a delicious AND satisfying dinner later. As long as it didn't disrupt my workweek weight loss I'm open for it.
  • Daizy426
    Daizy426 Posts: 37 Member
    I've sat next to my b/f who was eating a pepperoni pizza while I ate a grilled chicken salad and after the salad, had one bite of the pizza. Somehow I felt pretty good about it. I was full and my brain said it was ALL pizza because that's the last thing I ate, lol. I have also tried to change what he eats. Mr SubsandPizza will now ask for fish and veggies for dinner. SCORE!! If you can come up with alternative snacks for the both of you, you might be farther ahead. Oh, I got one, I love, love, love chinese food but if I grill my own chicken and only dip it in the General Tso sauce I bought I have the best of both worlds. Also, have carrot and celery sticks with a low cal dip handy. Homemade roasted veggies instead of french fries. Oh, and, Ragu Double Cheesy sauce, I use that all the time, 100 cal a 1/4 cup. Dish up a 1/4 cup, it's a lot when you're just dipping. Sorry I rambled on, lol.
  • liltenji
    liltenji Posts: 69 Member
    I usually eat the majority of my calories at the end of the day anyway. mostly to stop me from snacking through bouts of insomnia and i also hate eating as soon as i get up! I think you'll be ok. but if you're hungry then snack on something, no point totally depriving yourself! :)
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Shouldn't be a problem really, unless you are so starving by the time you get there you gorge. The times of the day eating myths have completely been debunked for adults (kids are a different matter). Offsetting my meal day is actually what helped me lose weight. I even adjusted my diary to be 4 hour blocks instead of "meals". "Breakfast" killed me. I was never hungry then, only ate it because I was supposed to, and my body never felt like it counted.

    Best thing to do is to try it for yourself and see how comfortable and effective it is for you. You may either live it or hate it, but you won't know until you try it.

    Bottom line though, there are no intrinsic universal time lines for when it is appropriate and inappropriate to eat, there is only what is right for you.
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    I'm liking a lot of the replies...I thought for sure I would have been burned at the stake for my post. Definitely need to look more into intermittent fasting.
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,052 Member
    there's a school of thought that says it doesn't mater how many calories you consume as long as you burn them off, and 1 big meal v's 10 small ones makes no difference....

    if anyone reading this disagrees.....bite me...
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    in my own personal experience, eating a bunch of time low calorie meals throughout the day (like 5-10 meal-snacks) is what helps me drop the most weight fast, but I'm willing to try the intermittent fasting thing 2-3 days a week so I can stop stressing so much and be able to enjoy my weekends.. Trial and error!
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I prefer to eat at night so, while I do eat breakfast, lunch, and snacks, I often eat close to half my calories after 5 pm. Eating more earlier in the day doesn't make me less hungry at night. It's worked out fine for me. And if I know there's something higher-calorie that I particular want that night, I will eat even less at one or both earlier meals.
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    in my own personal experience, eating a bunch of time low calorie meals throughout the day (like 5-10 meal-snacks) is what helps me drop the most weight fast, but I'm willing to try the intermittent fasting thing 2-3 days a week so I can stop stressing so much and be able to enjoy my weekends.. Trial and error!

    This is exactly how I feel. During the week, I usually eat all my meals by myself, so it's no biggie how I break those up. But on the weekends, neither of us want to cook and he's gone all day Saturday anyhow, so we usually end up going out to eat at night or eating later. I think I might try this out too. Just have small things like coffee for breakfast [that fills me up half the time] and a decent salad for lunch. I'm like you and not normally up early on weekends, especially when I get the bed and tv to myself lol.
  • glitterjam
    glitterjam Posts: 145 Member
    If you aren't hunger in the morning then don't eat. The myth that it speeds up your metabolism has been debunked.

    Umm...holy crap! Is this true? I have been FORCING myself to eat breakfast. I would rather just have coffee and have lunch be my first meal. Maybe a tiny snack around 10:00am, but that's it. I have always heard that you had to "break the fast" in the morning to get your metabolism going. Does it really not matter? I am so naive...
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    If you aren't hunger in the morning then don't eat. The myth that it speeds up your metabolism has been debunked.

    Umm...holy crap! Is this true? I have been FORCING myself to eat breakfast. I would rather just have coffee and have lunch be my first meal. Maybe a tiny snack around 10:00am, but that's it. I have always heard that you had to "break the fast" in the morning to get your metabolism going. Does it really not matter? I am so naive...

    Yeah, a lot of us fall for that "rev up the metabolism" stuff early on.

    No, you don't have to eat breakfast if you don't want to. Just make sure you eat within your calorie limit for the rest of the day, and you'll be fine.
  • This is also my problem, that is why I have taken up intermittent fasting, although it's not for everyone.
    I fast 2 days a week (more or less if I want) from about 3 in the afternoon until about 11 the next day. I am then generally eating good things, but lots of it of course because I'm ravenous, so I stock up on veggies and fruit.
    This is my first week and I've lost 3lbs.
    I feel so much more free, I feel like I don't have to worry about the weekend coming, because I can always fast on the Monday and I'll immediatley feel better.

    and yes, the whole, eat breakfast to kick start your metabolism, it's a load of crap.
    Basically skipping breakfast is like doing the Eat Stop Eat that I am doing.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    If you aren't hunger in the morning then don't eat. The myth that it speeds up your metabolism has been debunked.

    Umm...holy crap! Is this true? I have been FORCING myself to eat breakfast. I would rather just have coffee and have lunch be my first meal. Maybe a tiny snack around 10:00am, but that's it. I have always heard that you had to "break the fast" in the morning to get your metabolism going. Does it really not matter? I am so naive...

  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    It sounds fine to me. I'd not make myself eat breakfast - I usually skip it myself - if you eat a small meal when you're hungry (or preferably just before you reach that point, if you see what I mean) and save the rest you'll be fine as long as you stay at a deficit. I think what matters is your average net calories over time, so you could always undereat a little for a day or two before and after, and/or up your exercise. Have fun, they sound like lovely weekends!
  • yvonneseage
    yvonneseage Posts: 55 Member honest, you've said your not overweight. So why worry about two evenings off a week? Or why not go running or exercising in the weekend mornings to massively up your calorie alliance for.those.nights?
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Just go for an extra night lovin session for those extra cals. Job done.
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    When my fiancee is around (once 1-2 years), we go out to eat nearly every day. We've made it a goal to find healthy-choice restaurants & cafes to go to next visit! Of course, don't forget that it's fine to indulge. How many cals are you on a day? Hope you've been using Dan's guide! Have fun! :heart: