Looking for my Fitness twin!

I'm 19 years old,
Starting weight: 203 lbs
Current weight: 154 lbs
Goal weight: 135

I'd love to find someone with the same goals as me so we can help
motivate and inspire each other daily! the first 49 lbs were easy to lose
but now i find myself fluctuating between 154 and 160 and not losing
any weight at all. I need advice, detailed diet plans, anything at all that
will help me get passed this hump and back on track to reaching my goal!


  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    might not be your twin but still wish you good luck !
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hi, I am not your fitness twin. Hope this helps narrow it down.
  • thealphabetpony
    i feel your pain! i'm 20, 5" 3.5, and two years ago i lost 50 pounds, reaching my lowest weight of 127. for the entirety of last year and this year, i've fluctuated between 140 and 130, and cannot get down to my goal of about 115. i recently moved and now live with french roommates who seem to be able to eat pastas and bread and butter galore, and it's been hard to stay on track. i've gained a little weight and am determined to reach my goal weight of 115 as soon as i can (not that i own a scale, but i suppose until i'm happy with my body). good luck girl!
  • ELIZZY20
    Well, I am a little more conservative, sitting around 141 and aiming for 130, though I think I'd be happiest at 125, which is what I weighed in high school. I was down to 140 last fall, then gained ten pounds over Christmas, and have been working since september to get back down to 140. Since September, I've been losing weight through restricting my calories to no more than 1400 calories a day, less if possible, and occasionally more if I've been good for several days before. I also take five dance classes a week and walk at least an hour a day briskly to school, and I usually play my flute (which is *actually* a way to use up some calories!) for 2-5 hours per day. I chew a lot of gum too ... keeps my mouth busy and keeps me from wanting food!