Weight Loss So Far - 40lbs Down, 15 To Go! Lots of Pics!

Needing some motivation to break this plateau and reach my goal of 120lbs - thought if I posted some before/after and progress pics, I might find that motivation! Cheers to everyone for their goals for fitness!

October 2010 (after birth of 1st child)
[img]http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww31/moncheri80/My Fitness Pal/102010b.jpg[/img]
[img]http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww31/moncheri80/My Fitness Pal/102010.jpg[/img]

October 2011 (after 2nd child)
[img]http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww31/moncheri80/My Fitness Pal/102011.jpg[/img]
[img]http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww31/moncheri80/My Fitness Pal/1020112.jpg[/img]
[img]http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww31/moncheri80/My Fitness Pal/1020113.jpg[/img]

January 2012
[img]http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww31/moncheri80/My Fitness Pal/120123.jpg[/img]
[img]http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww31/moncheri80/My Fitness Pal/12012.jpg[/img]

Thanksgiving Morning 2012
[img]http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww31/moncheri80/My Fitness Pal/112012.jpg[/img]
[img]http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww31/moncheri80/My Fitness Pal/1120122.jpg[/img]

Now if I can just get through the holidays and reach my goal before the madness of New year's resolutions begin!


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