Macro advice

Hey everyone! so I'm relatively new to this so bare with me.. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what my macros should be.
I'm 5ft5 and around 126pounds with a goal weight of 120. My main aims at the moment are to lose weight and tone up around the stomach area. I eat very clean (can check my diary for proof!) and work out 6x a week. Here is my IG link to get an idea of what I look like etc...
My macros are currently set to
35- Carbs
20- Fat
45- Protein

I was thinking of changing it to 30- Carbs 30- Fat 40- Protein instead..but I'm not sure whether that's bettero r just to stick to what it is at the moment.
Also how often do you find you manage to match your macros?? tell me if I'm being stupid here but surely unless at the beginning of the day you log into MFP exactly what you're going to eat throughout the day, there is no way of being able to 100% match them. For example the other day I was doing really well until dinner. Just a little avacado threw off my fat % and some red capsicum threw off my carbs! Suddenly they were too high. I'm sitting there watching my flatmates eat KFC and pizza and I'm thinking "woah I'm gonna have to cut back on red pepper!".. Is it normal to have them a little off? For example today I have had mosto f my meals and just dinner left. I already have logged in what I will eat for dinner and my macros read
Carbs 34/35
Fat 26/20
Protein 40/45
Is it normal for them to be slightly off? Another thing I don't get is that when I look at my nutrition list for the day, it says ?I still have 2g of fat left to consume, yet my macros read 26/20 indicating I have gone over..where am I getting confused here?
Sorry for such a long post. I hope someone out there can help!!
Thanks ina advance for any advice :) x