


  • Kellyeee2013
    Why are you allowing people to treat you like that?
    Set up some boundaries. You should not even be engaging in that sort of conversation with them.
    Surely there are other people you can interact with. They speak to you like that because they know they can.
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Some people do it for other reasons.
    Maybe they are losing weight the wrong way and dont look good naked!
    That pisses them off!
    People get poor results from poor diet and exercise and they watch someone like you killing it everyday!
    People get jealous!

    I often get into heated debates over the Low cal Vs high cal way of life and my argument always comes back to body composition.
    The people who eat more to lose the weight almost always look better naked over the low cal dieters!
    And that pisses them off!
    So they feel better bashing others.

    Just do this next time you see them!

    Congrats on everything you have achieved and even more so on your attitude and your restraint of not punching each of them in the throat. That being said, I am 100% with Dan and everything he said (and showed) above.. Have an awesome day and keep doing what you are doing!!
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Wow... The food critique you described is really awful ritual. That can't be good for anybody's self esteem.

    I'm not sure how I would respond except to say that the behaviors you have described are very "strange" at best. I think your friends have a unhealthy fixation with food and weight that may be more mental than practical.

    Perhaps it's time to have a talk and use your "when you... I feel... because".
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Quit giving them the time of day. What you're doing is working great - and WW has quite a few strange/odd suggestions for foods too!

    I'd really begin to distance yourself from them. This is one of those times to take careful inventory as to your input - and nobody needs negative input like that.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Obviously they need to GTF over themselves! GO YOU! BTW, I want a list of these "weird foods", please. :heart:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    weight watches people skeeve me out.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
  • Pandy1962
    Pandy1962 Posts: 105 Member
    Can you give me your 'weird and strange food' recipes please as they obviously work.

    Keep doing what you are doing and ignore these jealous b**ches
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    High five! Quit being their doormat. What you're doing is clearly working (the proof is in that size 6 you're proudly rockin').

    And to echo someone else... actual bodily harm. Not a terrible idea.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    This isn't my first time either so I kind of expected it once my loss became noticeable at work.

    What has been amazing is who among my coworkers has been nice and which ones have been so pissed off they almost can't speak to me normally. That has blown my mind a little. Unexpected people in each corner. My closest work friend has been the meanest about it and when her remarks can't get me to stop, she has resorted to just making loud comments when I'm around about how much she LOVES herself JUST THE WAY SHE IS because she has a healthy self-image, unlike SOME people. Ok, whatever you need to do to continue feeling superior to me, m'kay? :bigsmile:

    It's just jealousy and some people are more prone to it than others, or maybe less able to hide it?
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    Yesterday was hard. I was told that they could not understand why my local gym would want to have me do a testimonial.

    Tell them that Gym people are really weird. .If they'd ever been to a gym. . they'd know. . ;)
  • JustAGirlyGeek
    JustAGirlyGeek Posts: 149 Member
    Obviously they need to GTF over themselves! GO YOU! BTW, I want a list of these "weird foods", please. :heart:

    Yep! And I'd like the list of these "weird foods" as well! LOL
  • Twiliightmoon
    "strange and odd foods"

    To most human beings that are from the Planet Cardio and Weight Training, this food is not so odd...

    Pre-Workout: Raw oats mixed with cranberries and almonds.
    After Workout: Tuna steak, no salt, no mayo. One of my favorite treats.
    Breakfast: Protein smoothie made with strawberries, bananas, whey protein and peanut butter (sometimes I mix in spinach). My very favorite breakfast!!! I also have a love for Oh Yeah Bars. Check them out at Bodybuilders.com.
    Midmorning: Usually some sort of fruit, vegetable or nuts.
    Lunch: I'm addicted to Greek Yogurt of any flavor. Pomegranates, kiwi fruit, any kind of fruit in general. I like trying all different kinds of fruits because you can never have too much variety. I also love p.b.&j, but I only eat Smucker's Natural P.B.
    Dinner: 9 times out of 10, chicken. I have never been a red meat eater, but I love bison if I do eat red meat. Of course, all dinners will have vegetables and some sort of starch, potatoes or rice.

    Oh, and I don't ever, ever eat fast food. My body can't handle it. I haven't eaten fast food since 2003 and also quit drinking soda at that time too. Water is my drink of choice.

    I am not so strict that I don't have a free day. But I realize that even on my free days I still tend to eat healthy.
  • jnoire
    jnoire Posts: 43
    So healthy and nutritious foods are "strange and odd foods" now? LOL!

    Listen. You work the hell of your new figure! Strut in front of them like life is your catwalk. Let their hate burn them! You have done a great job! You are now healthier and I'm sure you are happier and have more energy because of your lifestyle change.

    BTW, size 14 to a 6 is MAJOR! Who is asking them to be a spokesperson for healthy weight loss? Oh.. Nobody. Says a lot.
    "strange and odd foods"

    To most human beings that are from the Planet Cardio and Weight Training, this food is not so odd...

    Pre-Workout: Raw oats mixed with cranberries and almonds.
    After Workout: Tuna steak, no salt, no mayo. One of my favorite treats.
    Breakfast: Protein smoothie made with strawberries, bananas, whey protein and peanut butter (sometimes I mix in spinach). My very favorite breakfast!!! I also have a love for Oh Yeah Bars. Check them out at Bodybuilders.com.
    Midmorning: Usually some sort of fruit, vegetable or nuts.
    Lunch: I'm addicted to Greek Yogurt of any flavor. Pomegranates, kiwi fruit, any kind of fruit in general. I like trying all different kinds of fruits because you can never have too much variety. I also love p.b.&j, but I only eat Smucker's Natural P.B.
    Dinner: 9 times out of 10, chicken. I have never been a red meat eater, but I love bison if I do eat red meat. Of course, all dinners will have vegetables and some sort of starch, potatoes or rice.

    Oh, and I don't ever, ever eat fast food. My body can't handle it. I haven't eaten fast food since 2003 and also quit drinking soda at that time too. Water is my drink of choice.

    I am not so strict that I don't have a free day. But I realize that even on my free days I still tend to eat healthy.
  • Iloveeyore78
    Iloveeyore78 Posts: 75 Member
    Amazing progress! Don't let others jealousy get in your way of success! Show off and share your incredible progress as you are definetely an inspiration!!!
  • katiedidit1
    katiedidit1 Posts: 39 Member
    They are hungry. They are mad that they have to count points? Your eating real food and still losing weight? Well how can that be? Did they use all their points at breakfast?

    Congrats on your healthy choices and way to go on the gym asking for a testimonial! Thats a big deal!