Will Power = zero....

I have no will power when it comes to food. Not so much food in general b/c I can portion that out but its the sweets. Like last night I had a craving for cookies, so I baked some and instead of having just one I ate 4!! 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so annoyed with myself after not for having 4 but for not having the willpower to say no. I don't buy candy, cookies, ice cream etc etc for that reason and I had to get the mix from my MIL. I need another sweets withdrawal especially for all the stuff Thanksgiving had to offer. I haven't picked back up with exercising since coming home from camping and quite honestly I can't find the motivation to do it. I ordered Turbo Fire and Hip Hop Abs and will start those come the new year since hubby is making me wait until Christmas to get them lol. My eating could probably be cleaned up a ton but I make sure I stay under on everything but my sugar sky rockets sometimes :/. Any advice? Nothing hurtful I don't need that.


  • I have the same problem. I have not eaten any processed sweets since Monday. And that is a BIG deal to me. In my case I have to take it one craving at a time. And I find that if I can resist the sweets, the next day I feel so proud of myself I don't want to give in. I know its hard, but you can do it! One craving at a time...
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I hear that when you crave something, it's because your body needs it?

    NOT that it needs "cookies" :laugh: but maybe you're lacking in some natural sugars.

    If you are craving sweets here are some options -

    Fruit salad
    Cocoa roasted almonds
    Granola bars (they come in all varieties)
    Trail mix

    Drink a lot of water, move around daily, things start to change :smile: . Good luck!
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Try logging your food BEFORE you eat it....It has worked for me a couple times as I like to eat and will not give up a good meal for 2 or 4 cookies. Good luck.
  • I'm the same way I was doing so well and fell off the wagon and now I cant seem to get back on. :( Feel free to add me as a friend maybe together we can motivate eachother. :)
  • Sometimes I don't either. I have found for myself, that I have increased my protein, which has curbed my sweet tooth, and my sweet tooth is huge!
    I also save one day a week that I eat what I want, it's my cheat day.
    There are other ways that you can get that "sugar" you are craving, but not obtaining it by eating cookies.
    You could try some dark chocolate, that usually does it for me, and dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants.
    Good luck!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I have the same problem. I have not eaten any processed sweets since Monday. And that is a BIG deal to me. In my case I have to take it one craving at a time. And I find that if I can resist the sweets, the next day I feel so proud of myself I don't want to give in. I know its hard, but you can do it! One craving at a time...

    I really like this idea of taking it one craving at a time. That's very useful, thank you for sharing that!
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
    I find that I am more sucessful when I don't keep sweets or ingredients to make cookies etc in my house. However, I love chocolate and for some reason am satisfied most times in just eating a fun size bar. Overeating for me with a 1230 calorie allowance is a real problem I face every day. I have good days and bad days. Just get back on track and you will feel better. Also, if you are not motivated to exercise go for a walk.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I hear that when you crave something, it's because your body needs it?

    NOT that it needs "cookies" :laugh: but maybe you're lacking in some natural sugars.

    If you are craving sweets here are some options -

    Fruit salad
    Cocoa roasted almonds
    Granola bars (they come in all varieties)
    Trail mix

    Drink a lot of water, move around daily, things start to change :smile: . Good luck!

    Thanks! I've been having that problem lately too. I usually don't go for the sweets, but it's all I crave. I had four brownies, a cookie, and date squares last night.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    That happens to me sometimes too, (the cookie issue). Don't be too hard on yourself at least you don't buy them and keep them at the house, that would be very tempting, lol. I think as far as your motivation goes you should either before work or after work change and put on your workout clothes and go outside and take a walk. This works for me when Im not in the mood to exercise once I get dressed for it and go outside then things start to feel more like I could do it. You have to push yourself because you can physically do it, the only thing stopping you is you! Keep moving forward and do not dwell on the past! You can achieve anything you put your mind to! I hope this helps :)
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks guys this was all great and amazing advice. Perhaps today will be better than yesterday :). I bought some bananas to make smoothies with and that usually helps with my sweet tooth. I also do pb with them and apples as well so I'll do that too. Thanks again its great to hear that I'm not the only one who struggles with this. Perhaps if I could get all this under control I can break that two year plateau I have been riding and actually get to the 130's :)
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    I've had a pretty rubbish week this week, over my calorie allowance every day - by almost 1000 one day... I can make lots of excuses, but even at the time I knew what I was doing and that I shouldn't be eating all this chocolate since it wouldn't actually help anything. Two days ago I decided I was going to call it quits, not log the evening's food at all, and just start again the next day. Then I found myself logging it all, just because. Seeing those numbers, and knowing what they meant in terms of my weight gave me the kick I needed to pick myself up the next day. That day went OK - not perfect, but still a good deficit. Today is OK too, so far.

    Now, when temptation's there - like the plate of chocolate coated biscuits in the office kitchen, knowing the calorie count helps me decide if it's really worth it. It's still hard to walk past, but I can do it... And resisting once makes me stronger the next time, too.

    Good luck finding your willpower again :smile:
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Another thing I have done is bought some Chocolate whey protein and made a protein shake for snacks. Takes care of givving me feeling hungry and helps with the sweet tooth.

    Also, I read something, years ago, that if you brush your teeth every couple of hours you have a tendency to eat less because you subconsciously do not want that fresh feeling to go away.
  • Make/buy small portions. Bake 1/4 of the cookie recipe. Don't deprive yourself entirely, because it's easier to end up binge eating.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    the only way you can have willpower is to grow it from scratch. Youre not gonna get it from other people. You have to have some integrity and self discipline and prove you want it. Unless you were just saying you wanted to change your life cause it sounded cool.

    but if youre serious.
    And you do want this.
    and you would like legitimate help.
    like for real - not just fake huggy there there its ok nonsense... and you really truly want to change your life... read these things and call me in the morning...

    http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/10/22/3-reasons-people-succeed/ <~ how to be awesome instead of excited to fail.

    http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/08/16/get-over-it/ <~ how to give yourself a kick in the butt when you are your own worst enemy

    http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/10/08/willpower/ <~ When you forget what will power really is.

    Im not being mean. Im being honest enough to actually help you instead of blow rainbow glitter up your *kitten*.

    Please succeed.

    Dont be just another one that gives up.
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    the only way you can have willpower is to grow it from scratch. Youre not gonna get it from other people. You have to have some integrity and self discipline and prove you want it. Unless you were just saying you wanted to change your life cause it sounded cool.

    but if youre serious.
    And you do want this.
    and you would like legitimate help.
    like for real - not just fake huggy there there its ok nonsense... and you really truly want to change your life... read these things and call me in the morning...

    http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/10/22/3-reasons-people-succeed/ <~ how to be awesome instead of excited to fail.

    http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/08/16/get-over-it/ <~ how to give yourself a kick in the butt when you are your own worst enemy

    http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/10/08/willpower/ <~ When you forget what will power really is.

    Im not being mean. Im being honest enough to actually help you instead of blow rainbow glitter up your *kitten*.

    Please succeed.

    Dont be just another one that gives up.

    Oh I haven't given up. Its been a two year weight loss stall and I haven't given up yet. Sure there are times when I feel the need to give up and just be done with it b/c its so stressful but I don't. I want to be fit and toned. I want to be skinny and I only have my "last 10 pounds" hanging on. I don't have a ton of money to spend on all the health food and gym or even the equipment that most can spend on. I'm doing what I can hoping its enough. I'll read the articles though and I thank you for your honesty but please don't write me off as someone who makes excuses. I have had a food addiction since I was 10 yrs old that was 15 years ago. Its a very, very hard habit to break but everyday I'm getting better with it just not to where I can say NO and walk away better.
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    Another thing I have done is bought some Chocolate whey protein and made a protein shake for snacks. Takes care of givving me feeling hungry and helps with the sweet tooth.

    Also, I read something, years ago, that if you brush your teeth every couple of hours you have a tendency to eat less because you subconsciously do not want that fresh feeling to go away.

    I had some too and been meaning to buy more b/c I ran out but I did notice that when I drank one a day it helped curb my cravings dramatically!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Definitely time to get rid of the excuse that you have no will power. I used it for years. I finally just gave up and convinced myself I was destined to be fat because I had no will power.

    It's drive. It's determination. It's the WANT to succeed. You've got to want it SO badly that you drive right over that excuse of having no will power and grab it by the horns! You will not lose weight and be successful until you really, really want it. It took me a while to finally find that determination, and I've never been so dead set on accomplishing anything in my entire life as I am my weight loss!!! You need to tell yourself that you CAN do this. Don't give up everything that you love. That's not the answer and will most likely cause you to binge even more. The key is to make this your new lifestyle. It is not reasonable to never eat anything bad ever again. You're always going to run into a situation where you're going to make unhealthy choices. It's OK. The key is moderation. I am not deprived of anything that i love, I just simply eat less of it and I eat it less often.

    Change your mind set. Tell yourself you CAN and WILL accomplish a weight loss goal. It down right sucks in the beginning, it's tough, it's frustrating, but you have to believe that you can do it. I started by emptying my house of anything remotely unhealthy. If it's not around me I'm OK. Don't keep stuff in the house that will allow you to make cookies. Instead, find healthy snack alternatives that will curb that sweet tooth when it shows its ugly face!!!!

    You've gotta want it!!!!
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    Suck on a piece of dark chocolate! Takes the edge off for me :tongue:
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Another thing I have done is bought some Chocolate whey protein and made a protein shake for snacks. Takes care of givving me feeling hungry and helps with the sweet tooth.

    Also, I read something, years ago, that if you brush your teeth every couple of hours you have a tendency to eat less because you subconsciously do not want that fresh feeling to go away.

    I had some too and been meaning to buy more b/c I ran out but I did notice that when I drank one a day it helped curb my cravings dramatically!

    I LOVE the chocolate GNC whey protein isolate 60 ...yummy!
  • fayefern
    fayefern Posts: 57 Member