How to get over the hill!!


So after having a month off dieting, I am back on it and back at the weight I was at before I took time off - 114lbs.

However, last time I could not seem to get any lower than this, no matter how hard I tried. I'm slightly worried that this is going to happen again. Any tips in order to get over this blip. I weighed 114lbs this morning and am worried about it not moving!!!


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    How tall are you?

    Is 108 a realistic goal for you? What is wrong with 114?
  • sammie190489
    I'm 5ft 5 abd a bit (The bit counts!)

    I just prefer the sound of 108 and feel it would make me feel better! I originally wanted to get to 103lbs but upped it a while ago
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I think you need to reevaluate your goals.

    The sound of a weight vs. what is actually healthy for your body are two different things. And the second one is more important.
  • sammie190489
    I'd still be within a healthy BMI which is what I'm focusing on. I'm still healthy, was at the doctors the other day and had a check up, no issues =)
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Oh joy yet another poster who has unrealistic and unhealthy expectations. What is wrong with people lately!? :sad: :explode:
  • Izamommy
    I just went to the Dr yesterday, and she told me that my ideal weight for my height (5'4") is about 135lbs. You're taller than me and are already under MY ideal weight. You should feel GREAT!! You LOOK great.... Oh what I would give to be 114! Maybe you can't get any lower, because you are not supposed to weigh any less than what you weigh now?
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    So you are wanting to get to 108 because you like the way it sounds? For someone with a small frame at 5'5 the minimum you should weigh is 117. Not sure what BMI chart you are reading. Just putting 5'5 in an Ideal Weight Calculator it came up you should be 125.

    How about concentrating on your fitness and not the scale? Lift heavy, eat a maintenance (cleanly, healthily) and be happy with where you are.
  • Izamommy
    I agree with this 110%!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I just went to the Dr yesterday, and she told me that my ideal weight for my height (5'4") is about 135lbs. You're taller than me and are already under MY ideal weight. You should feel GREAT!! You LOOK great.... Oh what I would give to be 114! Maybe you can't get any lower, because you are not supposed to weigh any less than what you weigh now?
    Yes thats what I meant to say lol. I really need to learn to stay off the forums some days, all it's been today is young girls under eating to get to stupidly low body weights that will cause them nothing but problems in the future. OK, breathe, rant over lol
  • stofteland
    stofteland Posts: 19 Member
    Take 114 and run with it. Focus now on eating healthy foods and exercise. Your photo looks like you don't need to lose anymore. Too thin is not healthy either. Learn to like yourself for who you are and not the number on the scale.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    What are your weightloss goals? Is it really just to obtain a number? Do you have things you want to achieve that require a certain level of fitness? What weight for you is truly healthy, one you still feel comfortable at but also feel strong and energized at?

    These are also things to consider... not just a number on the scale or the back of your pants.

    My friend and former coach is 5'4, 130 lbs, probably 15-18% body fat and looks amazing! She lifts and runs and that's how she got her ideal body. Not by burning away lean body mass with unreasonable calorie intake, but by eating to fuel her workouts and working hard for a very fit body.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I shouldn't weight less than have 3 inches on me. I am down to 15% body fat. I currently weigh 119.6 and was working toward 115...but may not even go there. If I can get my thighs and bum a little tighter...that's really where I want to be...and whatever weight that is ...I'll be okay. Scale isn't everything. BTW - I lost 0.6 lbs in the last month, however I've lost 2% body fat in the last few. So, I'm okay with that.
  • sammie190489
    Wow, I'm pretty sure this forum is meant to be a motivational one, not a demeaning one?!

    My doctor has said that I am perfectly healthy. Maybe brit doctors are different to ones in the USA but mine has said I can comfortably afford to be 108lbs.

    I'm not some young girl who wants to be really skinny. I'm a young woman who wants to feel good about herself and boost her self esteem. I am confused as to why this is so wrong?

    I have checked numerous BMI calculators and they all say I will be in a healthy weight range at 108lbs.

    FYI - I am not undereating. I eat more now than I do when I'm not on a diet!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Wow, I'm pretty sure this forum is meant to be a motivational one, not a demeaning one?!

    My doctor has said that I am perfectly healthy. Maybe brit doctors are different to ones in the USA but mine has said I can comfortably afford to be 108lbs.

    I'm not some young girl who wants to be really skinny. I'm a young woman who wants to feel good about herself and boost her self esteem. I am confused as to why this is so wrong?

    I have checked numerous BMI calculators and they all say I will be in a healthy weight range at 108lbs.

    FYI - I am not undereating. I eat more now than I do when I'm not on a diet!

    Total tosh, I'm British, and I cannot imagine any doctor telling you it's ok to strive to be underweight. Why would they do that? You wanting to feel good about yourself is not bad at all. But that feeling doesn't come from a number on a scale. It seems on here every new member wants a quick and easy fix to the unobtainable. You should be focused on being the best you can be, not what weight you will approve of yourself at.

    No one is demeaning you, but look in the mirror, you are already very thin. There are people on here who have or are in the process of losing large amounts of weight, really giving it everything they have to become healthy. You are not one of those people, you are already a healthy weight, you look like you have a good figure. Why not concentrate on being happy with yourself now rather than losing more 'weight'.
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Sammie I think you need a wake up call.

    If you are not happy with yourself at 114, you wont be happy with yourself at 108. 6 lbs isn't going to change your emotional issues towards your weight. Seek help for that, not the weight loss. You're already thin and beautiful. Don't go too far. It's a slippery slope.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Wow, I'm pretty sure this forum is meant to be a motivational one, not a demeaning one?!

    My doctor has said that I am perfectly healthy. Maybe brit doctors are different to ones in the USA but mine has said I can comfortably afford to be 108lbs.

    I'm not some young girl who wants to be really skinny. I'm a young woman who wants to feel good about herself and boost her self esteem. I am confused as to why this is so wrong?

    I have checked numerous BMI calculators and they all say I will be in a healthy weight range at 108lbs.

    FYI - I am not undereating. I eat more now than I do when I'm not on a diet!

    Dr's aren't different in the US. If your doctor said "you can afford" to be at 108 you need a new one. Please list what BMI calculators you used (are you saying you are 5' nothing?) - all the ones I've used say you need to put on weight...

    If you eat more on a diet than you do off, you REALLY need to see a nutritionist...

    No one should feel like they have to lose 6 pounds to have self-esteem. Instead of a general practioner, I think you might to see a therapist instead...
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I think if you want to be thinner, why not. I, like you, am pretty endowed in the chest region and would love to lose a little more. It's the last place to go. People keep telling me I don't need to lose weigh because my arms and legs are so thin. However, they don't see the same thing I do when I am naked.
  • sammie190489
    Every website I have visited and have tested the BMI calculator has said that I would have a BMI of 19 if I were 108lbs. 19 is in the healthy weight range.

    I haven't asked about a quick and easy fix, I've asked how to get over my stall. Just because I don't have a larger frame to begin with doesn't mean that I am not allowed to lose weight. Every one has body issues. Regardless of size to begin with. I am not happy with the way I look now, I've tried to be but I cannot.

    Thank you for the compliments everyone, however I don't agree. No, I don't think I'm fat, however I do feel like there are parts of my body that I am not happy with. Everyone looks good in clothes, it's underneath the clothes that I am concerned about. I know you cannot target fat loss, hence being on a diet. I am still a size 10 (Trousers) and an 8 (Tops) I don't want to drop a dress size.

    I am not willing to move my goal as anything I set out to do, I acheive. As soon as I hit 108lbs, I will post pics and show you all that I am not 'unhealthy or underweight'
  • sammie190489
    I think if you want to be thinner, why not. I, like you, am pretty endowed in the chest region and would love to lose a little more. It's the last place to go. People keep telling me I don't need to lose weigh because my arms and legs are so thin. However, they don't see the same thing I do when I am naked.

    Give me some of your chest region! I've always been small in that department!! And exactly, we can cover up what we don't like with clothes. When I look in the mirror in just my undies, I see the things I am not happy with!!
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    I'm at 5'5 and 108lbs is just way too stick skinny(I was 100lbs when I was severely sick). Gotta at least keep some meat on those bones! My goal is 140. Depending on how I feel once I get there, I'm either going to lose or gain