gotta use these potatoes and need suggestions...



  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    One of my favorite dishes with potatoes is this:

    Steam them to partially cook them. Cool. Cut them into 1" cubes. Cut a large onion into chunks. (Non-vegetarians can add browned chicken or turkey sausage here). Make a marinade from olive oil (1-2 tbsp depending on how many veg's you have), dill, parsley, garlic powder, and cracked black pepper. Combine the veg/sausage in glass casserole and toss with oil mix. I like to lightly sprinkle wheat germ across the top (makes a nice crust). Sparingly add sea salt. Broil in the oven until browned, tossing occasionally.

    Yummy!! I like to have this with a green salad.

    1/2 pound of potatoes, 2 chicken sausages, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1/2 onion makes two servings for me. Each is 240 calories, 23g carbs, 10g fat, and 16g protein

    Edit: The wheat germ adds 25 calories/1g fat/3g carbs/2g protein to the entire dish, for 1 tbsp.


    In discussing my potato/sausage/onion dish with other people, I have been notified that Pyrex and glass dishes are not safe under a broiler. Instead, I suggest using a skillet or soup pot or even a cookie tray. Please be careful!!
  • thenebean9
    You could make potato pancakes! shred some, mash some, mix together with finely diced onion, cheese, salt, pepper, cayenne, garlic and form into patties and put them on a griddle until brown on each side! nummy!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    I would make something the dutch call "stampot" yummy

    boerenkool stampot is essentially potatoes mashed with Kale (or spinach if you can't find kale) - boil your potatoes and once they are near done toss in your bunch of kale so that it gets wilty, drain it all and mash it together with butter and milk --- i also like to cook up some onions (and bacon as I am not a veg) and mix it all in with the mash as well as some shredded cheese. supper yummy side :smile:

    you can also do hutspot wish is potatoes mashed with carrots and onion.

    super yum
  • spritie
    spritie Posts: 167
    some more thinking out of the box type ideas

    really thinly sliced on 'pizza' of anykind so good, especially with asparagus

    or crustless shepards pie. Just any lentil veggie combo you can be bothered chucking together, with mash potatoes put on top grilled very tasty.