Weight loss & your relationships

How has your weight loss changed your relationship with your spouse or partner?


  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    It has not with my husand, no. The only non-issue issue that it's brought up is that he's never seen me thin before (hey, I haven't either lol) so he has expressed his opinion/concern on just how thin I want go get... not because he thinks he has a say, just because he knows that it's easy to take too far when we can't really see ourselves. So we've talked about that a few times and I do greatly value his opinion.

    It has, however, just about killed my relationship with my mother. That's a totally different story though.
  • RoxySherwood89
    RoxySherwood89 Posts: 70 Member
    if anything it has made me and my partner stronger. I am alot more confident in myself and he fully supports me in this.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    My relationship with my hubby is better than ever! We both have a lot more energy, which has improved our lives in a LOT of ways!
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    As my husband was constantly worrying about my health when I was heavier, I feel like our relationship is better now. He is a lot more open to the idea of kids now too that he knows that I am healthy and have a lower chance of any complications. I also feel like he is more attracted to me now, which considering how much heavier I used to be, I can't really blame him. Not that he didn't love me before, but I am just really feeling the love now!
  • Mine got Jealous. I guess I got a bit Jealous as well. I never have been the pretty thin girl and as a big girl I did not realize the attention men gave to thin hott girls untill I lost weight and I started to wonder if my guy looked at girls the way guys were looking at me. We are still trying to make it all work out.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    When I first started talking to my doc about a major weight loss she gave me a hand out that discussed how weight loss can effect relationships not just with a spouse/partner but also with family. Things to expect etc., it was really helpful. I do not go to her anymore <i moved> but I wish I had it to share with people. It changed my perspective on things.

    My partner is losing weight with me so it's bringing us closer together. When I lost weight before, and he didn't, he was supportive but ......but go ahead and eat that burger it's just one meal. He also prefers a little extra weight in certain areas (he likes big butts and he cannot lie) but now that we're doing it together and he has lost 68 pounds he has an entirely new outlook. He wants us to grow old together and honestly if we didn't change our ways we might not have grown old at all.

    My mother was another thing altogether. She was always heavy and died from complications after surgery. Complications that did not have to kill her but she weighted 350 pounds when she went into the hospital and had no strength to fight. When I weighed 160 pounds (at 5ft 1) she said I needed to stop losing weight, I didn't want to be too thin. I was still considered obese. You have to do what's right for you, and if your partner/family/friends can't understand that they should remember my Mom and all the other thousands of people like her that die too young because they were too caught up in the things life throws at you to pay attention to what's important. I loved her but I'm getting mad at her again just thinking about it.
  • CarrieStL
    CarrieStL Posts: 162 Member
    How has your weight loss changed your relationship with your spouse or partner?

    Ok- I will say it Bek. Sex is much better with 75lbs less between the 2 of you.
  • Julie7741
    Julie7741 Posts: 93 Member
    Our relationship is better than ever. However, it did take some adjustments. As my waistline shrank, so did my tolerance for putting up with other people's crap- including dear hubby's. I would say that I am more confident and assertive, and much more likely to voice my opinions. Who knew that weight loss can change a person's personality!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    My relationship with my husband is pretty much the same - good, trusting, and solid.

    My relationships with other people? Well, no drama per say, but family members have opinions about weight loss and that can put a strain on things. I have obese family members who don't want me to lose weight - because it would invalidate their excuses for themselves. I've learned that it's their problem, not mine. I keep my mouth shut and just try to let it pass. Eventually, they get over it.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    How has your weight loss changed your relationship with your spouse or partner?

    Ok- I will say it Bek. Sex is much better with 75lbs less between the 2 of you.

    Between my husbands loss and mine, we have 147 less pounds between us. It is aswesome :)
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    My relationship with my husband hasn't changed at all.
  • We bang more.