Stationary Bike

So, I am not going outside in 30-40 degree weather to walk or attempt to jog. I have a stationary bike, that on Program 2, is 25 minutes and when done 4 times (100 minutes), I burn almost 600 calories. Sooooo, my question is, I know that you shoud make every move you do deliberate, but is it okay for me to watch my Tivo'd shows while cycling?? Because, if so, and it will not hinder my burn or my safety, then I will have no problem working out 6 times a week, b/c I still have Christmas shows taped that I am trying to watch, plus sitcoms I love to watch also. Any input is appreciated.


  • princesspurple
    Watch away! It will keep you from getting bored and before you know it, your 25 mins will be up!
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    There's no reason not to watch and ride. Make sure your seat is high enough so that your leg is almost straight at the bottom of the cycle.
  • jlgarcia85631
    jlgarcia85631 Posts: 57 Member
    I have had no problem with that...I have my treadmill in the livingroom with the big screen t.v. I will do my work out and watch my soap(Days of our Lives junkie) or my recorded shows...only thing is since treadmill tends to be a bit noisy I must turn up the t.v a bit much.. Sometimes it is my family that is watching t.v and i will be working out with my mp 3 player on turned up listening to music. Then in that case I just watch the t.v but i hear no sound...or listen to music and watch my children run around and my husband and older son lay on the couch. But as far as effecting me loosing weight it has not. If I am distracted by music or t.v i tend to forget how long I have been on the teadmill. The distration keeps those negative thoughts from poping in my my legs are burning...i can't breathe...need water...
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Just make sure you're really working while watching. Don't get too relaxed and ease up, then you aren't burning your 600 calories. You should still be tired and sweaty when you are done.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I bike and watch TV every morning. My bike is rather noisy so I plug headphones into my TV. :laugh:
  • Mommy08
    Mommy08 Posts: 73 Member
    I think you shoudl get a heart rate monitor. That way you can check your calorie burn every once in awhile to make sure you are working out hard and not just "phoning in" your workout while you are watchign tv?? That would keep you more accountable???
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I think you shoudl get a heart rate monitor. That way you can check your calorie burn every once in awhile to make sure you are working out hard and not just "phoning in" your workout while you are watchign tv?? That would keep you more accountable???

    It's a good point.
    I use my mileage as a gauge. Because, as easy as my HRM is to put on -- I'm so ridiculous at 6am that I can't even be bothered with a bra. :embarassed: I'm so not a morning person and it's just wise for me to keep frustrations at a bare minimum. :tongue:
  • beachcomber
    when I use my treadmill at home when I can't get to the gym, while walking briskly I do arm toning excersicces, like Bicep curls and tricep extensions , pec presses. Using more muscles help to burn more calories too.