Cures For The Low Carb Flu

Hi everyone. I am starting induction again today. This is my 4th time. Each time I am unable to sustain low levels (below 50g) because I get "the low carb flu". Boy do I get it. Achy limbs, dizziness, blurry vision, you name it. Each time it is so awful I can't last for more than 3 days. At the 3 day mark I am literally so ill that I tear into anything with carbs to make the limb pain stop. Scary huh?!?

Nevertheless, I am trying it again. This time I am drinking WATER like it's the only beverage on earth (6 glasses so far today). I'm feeling okay, but I am afraid the flu could be lurking. Does anyone who gets the "flu" have any other things besides the water I can do to ward off the symptoms?

Your advice would be much appreciated.


  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Up your fat and protein intake, drink water and herbal teas. Make sure to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and Rest. Fight through the detox of the sugar mess and you will come out on the other side brimming with a new found energy after a few days.

    It usually (everyone is different) takes 5-7 days.

    Make sure you have plenty of fresh veggies cut and cleaned to snack on, jerky, hard boiled eggs, etc.
  • PINKinquisition1908
    Up your fat and protein intake, drink water and herbal teas. Make sure to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and Rest. Fight through the detox of the sugar mess and you will come out on the other side brimming with a new found energy after a few days.

    It usually (everyone is different) takes 5-7 days.

    Thanks, I'll try that
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hi everyone. I am starting induction again today. This is my 4th time. Each time I am unable to sustain low levels (below 50g) because I get "the low carb flu". Boy do I get it. Achy limbs, dizziness, blurry vision, you name it. Each time it is so awful I can't last for more than 3 days. At the 3 day mark I am literally so ill that I tear into anything with carbs to make the limb pain stop. Scary huh?!?

    Nevertheless, I am trying it again. This time I am drinking WATER like it's the only beverage on earth (6 glasses so far today). I'm feeling okay, but I am afraid the flu could be lurking. Does anyone who gets the "flu" have any other things besides the water I can do to ward off the symptoms?

    Your advice would be much appreciated.

    Seeing as low carb diets have no metabolic advantage, why not just eat carbs to cure your low carb flu? Unless you have a medical disorder that would make low carb a more optimal dietary choice
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    Up your fat and protein, like the other person said. Also, take a multivitamin. (I used my kid's chewable ones because they were what I had.) I understand the science behind what you are doing - it is a good thing!
  • PINKinquisition1908
    Hi everyone. I am starting induction again today. This is my 4th time. Each time I am unable to sustain low levels (below 50g) because I get "the low carb flu". Boy do I get it. Achy limbs, dizziness, blurry vision, you name it. Each time it is so awful I can't last for more than 3 days. At the 3 day mark I am literally so ill that I tear into anything with carbs to make the limb pain stop. Scary huh?!?

    Nevertheless, I am trying it again. This time I am drinking WATER like it's the only beverage on earth (6 glasses so far today). I'm feeling okay, but I am afraid the flu could be lurking. Does anyone who gets the "flu" have any other things besides the water I can do to ward off the symptoms?

    Your advice would be much appreciated.

    Seeing as low carb diets have no metabolic advantage, why not just eat carbs to cure your low carb flu? Unless you have a medical disorder that would make low carb a more optimal dietary choice

    Thanks for the advice. I do have issues with blood sugar that require carb control. Even when I am not "low carbing" I keep it under 200g a day. Thanks for looking out for me though.
  • thealexbeard
    200g of carbohydrates is far from what most would consider "low carb." If you feel that limiting carbohydrate consumption, albeit minimally, would benefit your health, I've read that a cup of quality chicken stock does the trick. If you can't access this, use a generic stock with a pad of butter for added fat.

    I have read countless stories of the "wonders" this works for those experiencing the low carb flu.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Hi everyone. I am starting induction again today. This is my 4th time. Each time I am unable to sustain low levels (below 50g) because I get "the low carb flu". Boy do I get it. Achy limbs, dizziness, blurry vision, you name it. Each time it is so awful I can't last for more than 3 days. At the 3 day mark I am literally so ill that I tear into anything with carbs to make the limb pain stop. Scary huh?!?

    Nevertheless, I am trying it again. This time I am drinking WATER like it's the only beverage on earth (6 glasses so far today). I'm feeling okay, but I am afraid the flu could be lurking. Does anyone who gets the "flu" have any other things besides the water I can do to ward off the symptoms?

    Your advice would be much appreciated.

    Seeing as low carb diets have no metabolic advantage, why not just eat carbs to cure your low carb flu? Unless you have a medical disorder that would make low carb a more optimal dietary choice

    Thanks for the advice. I do have issues with blood sugar that require carb control. Even when I am not "low carbing" I keep it under 200g a day. Thanks for looking out for me though.
    200g is plenty and is quite a long way from "low carb".

    I would recommend that you choose a different method.
  • PINKinquisition1908
    200g of carbohydrates is far from what most would consider "low carb." If you feel that limiting carbohydrate consumption, albeit minimally, would benefit your health, I've read that a cup of quality chicken stock does the trick. If you can't access this, use a generic stock with a pad of butter for added fat.

    I have read countless stories of the "wonders" this works for those experiencing the low carb flu.

  • PINKinquisition1908
    Hi everyone. I am starting induction again today. This is my 4th time. Each time I am unable to sustain low levels (below 50g) because I get "the low carb flu". Boy do I get it. Achy limbs, dizziness, blurry vision, you name it. Each time it is so awful I can't last for more than 3 days. At the 3 day mark I am literally so ill that I tear into anything with carbs to make the limb pain stop. Scary huh?!?

    Nevertheless, I am trying it again. This time I am drinking WATER like it's the only beverage on earth (6 glasses so far today). I'm feeling okay, but I am afraid the flu could be lurking. Does anyone who gets the "flu" have any other things besides the water I can do to ward off the symptoms?

    Your advice would be much appreciated.

    Seeing as low carb diets have no metabolic advantage, why not just eat carbs to cure your low carb flu? Unless you have a medical disorder that would make low carb a more optimal dietary choice

    Thanks for the advice. I do have issues with blood sugar that require carb control. Even when I am not "low carbing" I keep it under 200g a day. Thanks for looking out for me though.
    200g is plenty and is quite a long way from "low carb".

    I would recommend that you choose a different method.

  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    The fact that you are feeling that badly while doing it is your bodies way of telling you it's not good. Why would you choose a diet that makes you feel awful?
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Instead of going under 50, I would suggest keeping your carbs between 50 and 100. It's a good level of restriction, but allows more flexibility and likely less of the side affects. I found that I couldn't sustain the under 50, but close to 100 is pretty easy. It allows for lots of veggies and a piece of fruit or small serving of potato or rice if needed.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Hi everyone. I am starting induction again today. This is my 4th time. Each time I am unable to sustain low levels (below 50g) because I get "the low carb flu". Boy do I get it. Achy limbs, dizziness, blurry vision, you name it. Each time it is so awful I can't last for more than 3 days. At the 3 day mark I am literally so ill that I tear into anything with carbs to make the limb pain stop. Scary huh?!?

    Nevertheless, I am trying it again. This time I am drinking WATER like it's the only beverage on earth (6 glasses so far today). I'm feeling okay, but I am afraid the flu could be lurking. Does anyone who gets the "flu" have any other things besides the water I can do to ward off the symptoms?

    Your advice would be much appreciated.

    Chicken or beef bouillon or broth, a couple of cups a day until you've adjusted. The extra sodium helps some people.

    Work your way down slowly. If below 50 grams is where the problem starts, camp out at 50g for a few weeks to let your body adjust. You might not even need to go any lower, depending on what you're trying to accomplish.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Hi everyone. I am starting induction again today. This is my 4th time. Each time I am unable to sustain low levels (below 50g) because I get "the low carb flu".

    So the lesson you got from this was "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again?"

    Good luck with your energy goals in 2012 :flowerforyou:
  • PINKinquisition1908
    Instead of going under 50, I would suggest keeping your carbs between 50 and 100. It's a good level of restriction, but allows more flexibility and likely less of the side affects. I found that I couldn't sustain the under 50, but close to 100 is pretty easy. It allows for lots of veggies and a piece of fruit or small serving of potato or rice if needed.

    Thanks so much
  • PINKinquisition1908
    Hi everyone. I am starting induction again today. This is my 4th time. Each time I am unable to sustain low levels (below 50g) because I get "the low carb flu".

    So the lesson you got from this was "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again?"

    Good luck with your energy goals in 2012 :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the encouragement, and the flower. lol
  • PINKinquisition1908
    Hi everyone. I am starting induction again today. This is my 4th time. Each time I am unable to sustain low levels (below 50g) because I get "the low carb flu". Boy do I get it. Achy limbs, dizziness, blurry vision, you name it. Each time it is so awful I can't last for more than 3 days. At the 3 day mark I am literally so ill that I tear into anything with carbs to make the limb pain stop. Scary huh?!?

    Nevertheless, I am trying it again. This time I am drinking WATER like it's the only beverage on earth (6 glasses so far today). I'm feeling okay, but I am afraid the flu could be lurking. Does anyone who gets the "flu" have any other things besides the water I can do to ward off the symptoms?

    Your advice would be much appreciated.

    Chicken or beef bouillon or broth, a couple of cups a day until you've adjusted. The extra sodium helps some people.

    Work your way down slowly. If below 50 grams is where the problem starts, camp out at 50g for a few weeks to let your body adjust. You might not even need to go any lower, depending on what you're trying to accomplish.

    Good advice. I'll get some broth tonight. Thanks
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Going from 200 to 50 is extreme and why it makes you feel bad your body is going into shock.. Drop slowly like 50 each week for a month.
  • lisarenee_x0
    I started out doing Atkins. I lost 60lbs. on it, and then I got pregnant. Since my daughter has been born, I have tried induction several times and failed because it's so hard to stick to fixing something healthy when there's a baby screaming her lungs out =( but I've made the decision to start planning it better, because a new baby is no excuse - she should be my motivator! I'm sick of doing what's easy, because what's easy is what got me to obesity.

    Anyway, when I started Atkins, I didn't start off drinking the water two weeks straight as it called for. I weened myself of soda by having a couple drinks a day.. then I moved on to those little packets you can stick in the water, they have NOTHING in them at all, no carbs! Crystal Light Lemon Tea was the one I used the most. Eventually, I finally got to where I was drinking four or five 36 oz bottles of water a day, and when I went without my water, I felt like crud. Gradually pull yourself off the bad stuff.. I believe in caffeine headaches and somewhat "sugar withdrawal." After the two straight weeks, however, my sweet tooth was totally gone.. I didn't want the cookies, chocolate, etc.
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    Hmm, why not just eat in moderation???... Why put yourself through that, completely restricting yourself, if you feel that terrible!? Listen to your body, eff!

  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member