Just want to be Pretty!



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    The idea is that the beauty habits will be properly set and almost like second nature by the time I reach my ideal weight!

    this is one of the biggest problems with people thinking that they just need to lose weight and get to their goal weight and they will be handed perfect self esteem, social grace and a gorgeous body when they didnt do the work for anything other than a number on the scale.

    You want to get good makeup hair and fashion, you have to practice. Or have someone come over and show you how to dress your body, how to play up your natural beauty, how to style your hair to fit your face.

    but it all starts with caring about the face you present to the world.

    Im a fashion photographer and im not actually bragging when I say that this time lol, but I know what counts. It all starts with clean and fresh.

    Clean, good smelling hair - no matter how crazy it looks by the end of the day.
    Manicure your own nails - pay attention to the cuticle AND the tips, use body lotion, keep them painted- even clear - so they will grow.
    Trim your hair every few months, use a straightening iron or a curling iron more often than you use any products in your hair. use shampoo and conditioner and make sure its always soft and smells good. Except after the gym. should be drippy and disgusting.
    wash your face and brush your teeth every morning and every night.
    Smile very often at strangers.
    dress in the correct sizes.
    open a tumblr account and reblog EVERY OUTFIT that appeals to you until you have an entire lookbook of styles that you love so that when you get smaller and want to start shopping, you know what fabrics, cuts, textures, colors are going to be your best friends. Are you military, classic, punk, conservative, feminine, masculine, structured, flowy.... figure out what you like.
    get NICE PRETTY underwear.
    Build your wardrobe one or two little pieces a month and NOT OLD NAVY BASICS or solid colors - a printed top, a neatly cut skirt, PIECES not mass shopping for basics. Fill your closet with individual pieces.
    Broke? Go for accessories.
    Add it all up to represent the person you know you are and want to show the world.

    Are you an artist? dress the part
    and executive head hunter? own that fierce worksuit.

    You know what I mean here :)

    People are constantly telling us to love ourselves and everyone always says HOW

    well figure out who you are - clean her up, tweeze the strays and put on her uniform!

    discovering yourself is one of the best parts of falling back in love with yourself.
  • Clarice530
    Play around with colors that you like, look at magazines and fashion blogs they are very helpful. When I want to try something new out, I buy it and try it on the weekend and if it works i stick with it. But first and foremost you stay true to yourself, because beauty and pretty will only shine through if you Love yourself on the inside and it will show up on the outside.
  • plaingirly
    So many videos on Youtube!!

    Lisa Freemont Street looks fab - really retro. Time to get girly!
  • Camandes
    Youtube, magazines, blogs, friends :)
  • plaingirly
    Went to Boots and bought a L'oreal gel eye liner and foundation and, because I spent more than £15, got a free gift which contained a nail polish, deep pink lipstick and slightly sparkling mascara! All full size!

    Just going to play around with them now!
  • JennyDea
    i love your suggestions!!!
  • XxXWhitneyShereeXxX
    Practice makes perfect I've been doing my makeup since I was 13 and i'm still working with my hair (As all of you can tell so all you ladies with awesome hair, hit me up lol) just playing around and doing what makes you feel pretty. I've found a lot of tips on youtube though especially with my hair.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    for makeup tips and styling head on over to youtube :) There are alot of great ladies on there who do this all day.. plus go and buy yourself some makeup babe and practice practice :) you'll get there in the end... just play around and try on clothes and outfits and see what works for you
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    oh and i forgot to add if you want some help feel free to add me... I'm a pro at this stuff
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member

    ^^THIS!! Perhaps try different boards for different aspects of your intended makeover. One for fashion, one for hair, one for makeup, etc. Bonus: it's a lot of fun!
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    As everyone else has already said, youtube, pinterest, and magazines for hair, makeup, and clothing ideas.

    And, as someone else already posted, go into any department store and you can get your makeup done at any of the makeup counters for free (it's true, I used to be one of those girls behind the Estee Lauder counter, lol). As the pp said, there is the expectation that you'll buy something but it will definitely be cheaper than paying to have it done at a salon.
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member

    The idea is that the beauty habits will be properly set and almost like second nature by the time I reach my ideal weight!

    this is one of the biggest problems with people thinking that they just need to lose weight and get to their goal weight and they will be handed perfect self esteem, social grace and a gorgeous body when they didnt do the work for anything other than a number on the scale.

    You want to get good makeup hair and fashion, you have to practice. Or have someone come over and show you how to dress your body, how to play up your natural beauty, how to style your hair to fit your face.

    but it all starts with caring about the face you present to the world.

    Im a fashion photographer and im not actually bragging when I say that this time lol, but I know what counts. It all starts with clean and fresh.

    Clean, good smelling hair - no matter how crazy it looks by the end of the day.
    Manicure your own nails - pay attention to the cuticle AND the tips, use body lotion, keep them painted- even clear - so they will grow.
    Trim your hair every few months, use a straightening iron or a curling iron more often than you use any products in your hair. use shampoo and conditioner and make sure its always soft and smells good. Except after the gym. should be drippy and disgusting.
    wash your face and brush your teeth every morning and every night.
    Smile very often at strangers.
    dress in the correct sizes.
    open a tumblr account and reblog EVERY OUTFIT that appeals to you until you have an entire lookbook of styles that you love so that when you get smaller and want to start shopping, you know what fabrics, cuts, textures, colors are going to be your best friends. Are you military, classic, punk, conservative, feminine, masculine, structured, flowy.... figure out what you like.
    get NICE PRETTY underwear.
    Build your wardrobe one or two little pieces a month and NOT OLD NAVY BASICS or solid colors - a printed top, a neatly cut skirt, PIECES not mass shopping for basics. Fill your closet with individual pieces.
    Broke? Go for accessories.
    Add it all up to represent the person you know you are and want to show the world.

    Are you an artist? dress the part
    and executive head hunter? own that fierce worksuit.

    You know what I mean here :)

    People are constantly telling us to love ourselves and everyone always says HOW

    well figure out who you are - clean her up, tweeze the strays and put on her uniform!

    discovering yourself is one of the best parts of falling back in love with yourself.

    Yoovie, I think I :heart: you! This was awesome!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Check out:

    www.pinterest.com-look under the women's fashion category, also look under the hair and beauty category for hair and makeup tutorials
    www.youtube.com has loads of tutorials-just look for something that you like the look of and try it until you find something that you like on you
    www.polyvore.com-nothing but outfits!
    Also, there are tons of fashion blogs out there, some outrageous, some more down-to-earth. Just google "fashion blog" and search till you see something you like.
    Go shopping-go to department stores, see what you like, it doesn't cost anything to try on-keep trying stuff on until you get an idea of what you like and what looks good on you.
    Visit the makeup counter-most department stores have one-or many-makeup counters that offer free makeovers, with technicians ready and willing to help you work with your skin, coloring, eyes, etc.
  • Jennaissance
    I think it helps to change something up. Get a haircut or a haircolor... you'll be more excited to wake up and do your hair. That will lead to other things. I have a haircut on Wednesday and I'm so excited! I know that afterwards, I'll be itching to wake up and do my hair for at least a week or two!
  • Jennaissance
    I think it also helps to buy one outfit every month that makes you feel like a bombshell! Even if expenses are tight and you don't want to buy a lot of clothes until you meet your goal. Hit the discount rack! It's all about feeling good!
  • Jennaissance
    Oh, and find the thing you like most about your body and play it up!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Pinterest.com has some really great beauty tips, and some adorable and easy hairstyles. Also, get a haircut that is flattering. Ask your hairstylist to give you a new look. Specifically ask for a style that is "low maintainence", and then ask the hairstylist to style it for you, and walk you through the process on how to do it.

    As far as clothes, if you don't know what looks good, one easy rule of thumb is just copy a look you see on a mannequin in a store window. Find a cute style you like and re-create it. Start paying attention to trends, and when your own sense of style begins to come out, embrace it and run with it!
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    Girl, I'm in high school and you know how competitive these girls are. If a girl is caught off guard on one day, they go crazy. It sucks being in high school because you have to spend like an hour prettying yourself up only to have the makeup and hair get all messed up in the wind 3 hours later.

    But anyways, Youtube is where I learned how to do everything. There are literally thousands of girls who make makeup videos like how to do foundation, eyeliner, blush, lip gloss, mascara, etc.

    Same for hair, although I would suggest straightening it or just leaving it natural because curling takes a long time, for me at least.
  • KSwatek
    KSwatek Posts: 222 Member
    I agree with getting the hair cut! It was a treat to myself when I reached a goal. I did something completely different and crazy. it really does help. I am not an expert on makeup but I do love it. If you let me know your eye color, I can give you some pointers that will really accentuate your eyes. :)