Never tell yourself you CAN'T DO IT.

I wanted to share my story with everyone that is thinking about giving up or thinking that they can not do it. I used to be that girl. I used to be the girl that would sit on the couch with a bag of chips, or sneak more and more food at all the holiday dinners. I'm completely different now, and it feels amazing! I started my weight loss in April 2011 -- exactly a year after I had gone to the doctor and was told that I needed to take blood pressure medicine because mine was sooo HIGH. I had my blood work done and everything else looked good, THANK GOD. I weighed in at 341. And I can guarantee you at some point in my life, I was probably even heavier than that. From April 2011 – April 2012 I SLOWLY tried to lose weight, but I never worked out once, mostly just watched what I ate, and I lost a whopping 11lbs. I weighed in at 320 on April 30, 2012. I looked in the mirror and told myself I had to get all the extra weight off, or I was going to end up with diabetes or even dead. Something clicked in my head, and I haven’t gave up since. That’s when I downloaded MyFitnessPal and it became my BEST FRIEND. It was so handy to always have the app with me on my phone, and without it, I don’t think I’d ever stick with losing weight. Here I am, 7 months down the road, and I’ve lost a total of 65lbs since my weight of 341. I used to wear size 24 in plus size women’s jeans. I used to wear size XXL/XXXL in men’s hooded sweatshirts, and 3X in shirts/workoutpants. I’m now in a size 20 in plus size women’s jeans, and some jeans are even 18’s. I wear XL in men’s hoodies, and L/XL in men’s tshirts..depending on the shirt. I can actually wear XXL in JUNIORS at Walmart. It feels so AMAZING to know that I’m in somewhat normal sizes, and I don’t have to look in the extended sizes EVER AGAIN. I read on here that soooo many people want to give up, or haven’t lost enough weight to want to push themselves to keep going. You can’t think about it like that, and you can’t set too high of a goal your first time around, because I promise you, you WILL be disappointed when the scale doesn’t move as much as you want it to. I am on a 1400 calorie diet, I drink a lot of water, and I go to the gym almost EVERY night. At the gym, I do the elliptical, treadmill, crunches, ball exercises, and weights. I don’t do more than I can handle, and I push myself to reach a different goal everytime I’m in the gym. Each day, I will add one minute to the elliptical, and treadmill. I will had 5 more reps on the weights, and 5 more crunches. I never could have scene myself as someone that was going to the gym everynight. I hated P.E. in school, I hated walking somewhere with the family. I remember going to Las Vegas on a family vacation, and I was always the one taking breaks at every bench possible, and could NEVER catch my breath. Now…I enjoy walking around the neighborhood, I enjoy playing with my little cousins, I enjoy running around the yard and not DYING because I can’t breathe. There aren’t any negatives about losing weight and working out. Some people hate the stretch marks, some people hate the loose skin. I won’t lie, I’m ok with the stretch marks, I earned my stripes. I don’t so much like the loose skin. But I’d much rather be struggling with loose skin, then 65 more lbs back on my body making me sooo unhealthy. There are always going to be somedays where you can’t do as much as you did the day before, but it’s ok! Never give up! Never let yourself believe that you can’t do anything. Anything is possible, and the only person that can push you into doing it and getting it done, is yourself! There are soo many success stories on this website that show so much success in the biggest/smallest/strongest/weakest people. There is not ONE person out there that should ever let themselves believe they can not do something. Get yourself to the gym. Get yourself up off the couch. Throw away the chips and cookies. And do something good for YOU!


  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Congrats on your progress!! Your story is very similar to mine . I started in March of this year, at 338. I finally got tired of being fat, and was scared i was going to end up with high blood pressure, diabetes etc. I just decided it was time to do something, and I have not looked back. I now weigh 228, and though I still have a way to go, I know I will get there.

    If we can do it, others can too. I read the stories here about how people are frustrated and think they can't do it, and I want to reach out to all of them. There is nothing special about me that allowed me to do it, and if I can do it, anyone can.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Wow. That gives me a headache. Just reading the title though, I would say that internal self-talk is underrated and very important. Cut out all negative self-talk. When ever you find your self talking to yourself negatively about anything, switch it to a positive. You will find that your life will change in unexpected ways.