Questions about weight loss

I am in the beginning of my weight loss journey. Unfortunately, it has been a very rocky start but I am determined to lose the weight. I am 225 right now and I want to be at 130 (I am 5'2"). My first question getting down to 130 even possible? Secondly, I am terrified of losing so much weight and then being stuck with a lot of saggy skin, especially in my stomach and arms. My stomach is already saggy after having two babies back to back over the past two years. I know strength training would help a lot with this, but I dont have access to a gym. Is there stuff I can do at home in order to help my skin? I planned on doing the 30 DS, pilates, and going to a 1500 calorie diet, but idk if becoming that active and healthy food wise will cause me to lose weight too fast and give me problems with my skin.

Thanks in advance!


  • You sound so much like me! I am just starting, I am about to do my day 1 of the 30day shred right now. :)