University exams! Any students?

Hi guys, I don't know about you but I have some brutal exams coming up. As a student, this is the hardest time for me to keep on track. I am sitting on the couch reading all day, my stress levels are through the roof, and it's hard to exercise and sleep well.

Maybe having more students to sympathize and support us on our friends list will help us keep on track though. Add me if you want! Thanks and good luck on exams.


  • SteeleKitty
    SteeleKitty Posts: 3 Member
    I feel the same way!

    My course is assignment based rather than exams, but that means we get a few weeks to write one essay and as soon as it's in we get another. It really limits the amount of spare time to go to the gym which is infuriating, and lets be honest, it sucks the will to diet right out of you!

    If I'm doing academic reading the last thing I want to chomp on is carrot sticks! I just have to keep reminding myself that I want my graduation photo to be a total transformation from my enrolment photo. But still, I miss chocolate and crisps like I'm missing a limb haha!
  • mrganrshort
    mrganrshort Posts: 40 Member
    Hi I feel the same way too. You guys should add me. It's always harder for me to get my butt up and go to the gym when exams roll around but I find that if I go right away in the morning I get more stuff done during the day. It's a great jump start. Good luck on finals hope they all go great!
  • rachf2013
    I know the feeling. But I have found when Im getting super stressed, getting an hour of intense exercise really helps.
    Plus finding healthy snacks to chop on during studying helps- plain popcorn, grapes, etc.

    Also, if I go to a library to study, then I'm less likely to mindless munch.