Working out with Weights...

For those of you who workout with often do you workout? Do you skip a day to recover, or do you just alternate body parts? Legs one day, arms the next. Just trying to figure out the best way to do this, to get faster results.


  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    For those of you who workout with often do you workout? Do you skip a day to recover, or do you just alternate body parts? Legs one day, arms the next. Just trying to figure out the best way to do this, to get faster results.

    If faster results are your goal, you should do a split workout: Upper body one day, legs the next, and some people will devote a third day to abs. Then you need to rest for 24 to 48 hours. (You can do cardio on the rest days.) That's a big time commitment, but that would be the best way.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I do a 3 day full body on 3 non consecutive days per week. Check this for specific info on your question

    and check this for info on lifting and nutrition in general
  • zumbajess
    zumbajess Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with the others.. if you can commit to steady routine of doing upper body on one day and lower body next and abs.. etc
    then that would work.
    a week could look like this:
    day 1 - chest and back exercises and come cardio
    day 2 - bicep and trcep and some cardio
    day 3 - shoulders and legs
    day 4- core and cardio
    do some flexibilty on some other days

    or if you are not sure of a commited schedule you could cover all areas and make sure you do a rest day in between the trainning.

    curcuit training is popular and effective as well. cover upper and lower and core by doing segments of strength and cardio..(. 5 mins ...).or add the lower (squat) while doing a bicep curl.. to get a large and small muscle exercise at the same time.. burn more cals and sweat!

    This is all just my opinions! Hope it helps!
  • My trainer has me doing:

    First day: Shoulders, back, chest, little abs
    Second day: Arms (biceps, triceps), abs
    Third day: Legs

    Other days I do cardio.
  • zumbajess
    zumbajess Posts: 10 Member
    oh ya that sounds good!
    do some abs everyday!!!
    i hate abs!!!
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    So, from what i gather, I should lift about 3 days a week? Would more be too much?
  • zumbajess
    zumbajess Posts: 10 Member
    3 is good! it seems that is what the norm is!
  • oh ya that sounds good!
    do some abs everyday!!!
    i hate abs!!!

    OMG. Absolutely hate it. My trainer had me hold a plank and I wanted to kick him. Told him I hated him afterwards, LOL.
  • zumbajess
    zumbajess Posts: 10 Member
    hahaha!!!! its torture!! but great when you progress and improve! oh and Dips.. i hate dips too.. i dont progress with them!!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    3 is good! it seems that is what the norm is!

    It really depends on what program you are doing and what you are going for. If you are doing a full body routine with the big compound lifts then 2-3 days per week is good.

    If you change to a body part split then you can workout more day per week and still give the muscle group plenty of rest.

    I highly recommend you find a beginner program and follow it instead of just winging it. You will probably get much better results. Stronglifts 5x5 is free. Starting strength is great book and program and New rule for Lifting has great results for a lot of people. There are others Im sure but those three are the most often recommended.