how many calories should I be eating?

I'm 19 - 5ft 3ish - 190lb. my net calories seem to be around 1400- I'm burning between 150-470 calories a day through exercise.


  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    that's what mfp is for! It should give you a daily target to stay at or under.
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    No 2 people are the same. It was trial and error for me at the beginning. See what MFP reccommends and start there - then adjust as needed.
  • ManEnMotion
    ManEnMotion Posts: 73 Member
    that's what mfp is for! It should give you a daily target to stay at or under.

    He's right.... That's why most of us are here. Enter our details into MFP and it spits out your daily intake of Calories. If you don't eat enough the Ap will warn you that you need to eat more
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member's not only a question of calories...
    When I was doing Insanity (Hard cardio workout) I was eating less calories but more Carbs cause I need pure energy.
    Now I'm doing P90X (weights,core and cardio)...I eat more Protein this time... Need less energy but more muscles fuel.
    My calories is now higher.

    It's all depending on your system and how you'll feel it deal with your workout routine.

    MFP has good program to check that out.
    I'm on a 40-30-30 diet plan now... and it's fine for me.

    Try to find what's good for you...

    Oh and don't be too scared to eat....Eating a bit too much is better than not enough. Just make sure it's good food and try not to go over in fat,salt,sugar etc....