Second day

nikiluvsvin Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, my name is Nicolle and this is my second day using myfitnesspal. I am 29 years old, married for eight years and have two beautiful children. A six year old girl, Ashley and a soon-to-be 12 month old boy, Chase. I have always been in shape, including after my first child, but now after my second, I have put on about fifty pounds. I am determined to lose this weight and get back to where I feel comfortable with myself. I have joined Golds Gym and just started myfitnesspal. I will reach my goals! I think this website is going to be a big help in keeping me on track.


  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    Welcome, this site is great and the members are very supportive. Add friend to help you stay motivated.
  • This is my second day on MFP as well! I've been doing the dieting thing solo for a while, but haven't been losing much weight. Hopefully this will help keep me accountable and give me the kick in the butt I need. Good luck on your journey- we WILL do it!
  • This is my second day after falling off the wagon for a couple of weeks, but I've been reading the success stories and blogs on here and I'm feeling very motivated again. It's a good site for accountability too - I just added a couple of people who I didn't know and one of them commented when the site posted that I hadn't signed on in three days. It helped motivate me to get back on track!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    It is my second day as well. I fell off the wagon last night with a 1000 calorie Wendy's binge. What's sad, is that usually once a week my husband will bring home fast food, and I ate it without ever giving a second thought about calories! Now I have been logging everything and sometimes before I eat. I really want to stick with this! I loved myself prepregnancy and now I'm a different person. I feel confident that this site will help me get my life back!!! Does anyone have suggestions on how to get my husband on board? He is 29, 6"4 and about 240lbs. I think he looks great, but he wants to get in shape. More importantly, he's on blood pressure meds and has been told by his doc that he has a fatty liver. It's hard to try to change myself and do it for him too. Good luck to all you newbies. We CAN do this!!!
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