Post 30 Day Shred



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I started a new thread Day 1 of the Slimdown if anyone would like to join...We just starting out...Kim
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    I'm thinking about doing the 30 day slim down once I finish my turbo jam month. I've heard that you tone up more than loose weight, but I think ultimately that's the goal that most of us want. Im trying not to care about the number on the scale, but deep down I know its more about how I look & feel rather than what a dumb machine says :)

    Amen sistah!

    I keep telling myself that too. Although it is a bit depressing when the scale moves soooo slowwwlllyy... I keep telling myself "at least I'm losing inches!"
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Did Shred L3 today (day, um....:laugh: ). Went to bed 400 calories under (just wasn't hungry) and worked out before eating. I could definitely tell! No energy to do those stupid mountain climbers and rock stars! Still sweating bullets, but disappointing just the same.

    Heartofgold - Is the Slimdown available on Video or just on the web? I don't have room in the office to work out :tongue:
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Did Shred L3 today (day, um....:laugh: ). Went to bed 400 calories under (just wasn't hungry) and worked out before eating. I could definitely tell! No energy to do those stupid mountain climbers and rock stars! Still sweating bullets, but disappointing just the same.

    Heartofgold - Is the Slimdown available on Video or just on the web? I don't have room in the office to work out :tongue:

    The exercise plan is online, ( go to workoutplans) but the videos you can buy (they might have some of them on the website too, i havent checked yet) the videos that they use are 30 day shred, boost metabolism and burn fat, and no more trouble zones. Seems like a nice workout plan, plus I respond better to variation and when I have a plan to follow. Hope this helps
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    The exercise plan is online, ( go to workoutplans) but the videos you can buy (they might have some of them on the website too, i havent checked yet) the videos that they use are 30 day shred, boost metabolism and burn fat, and no more trouble zones. Seems like a nice workout plan, plus I respond better to variation and when I have a plan to follow. Hope this helps

    Oh, OK , I get it. I guess I'm already kind of doing that since those are the DVDs I use [along with Frontside and Backside which are like doing a long Shred]. :laugh:

    BFBM done for today! It's still killing me and I pulled something in my back during the 2nd circuit, but I pushed through it.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Did NMTZ for the first time today! Wow! I really like it and I suspect I will not be able to lift my arms tomorrow!

    Are you guys logging BFBM and NMTZ as circuit training? I think it still applies??
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    I am did day 17 shred today. I don't do it every day. I alternate with BL Bootcamp. I do that 2 days a week with shred the other 5 days. I haven't lost weight, but I have noticed my tummy getting some abs again!! YAY!!
    I am not sure what I will do after the shred. I think I will be doing it indefinitely. I am only on level 2 right now. Sometimes I do level 1&2 at the same time to really kick my butt:blushing:
    Interested to hear more about BL yoga and Banish Fat dvds....
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I don't have the Yoga one, but the Banish Fat is the same kick-butt circuit training, just cardio, though, without the weights and with 7 (!!!) circuits.

    The No More Trouble Zones disc, in my opinion, is a great companion to BFBM because it's the same thing...7 circuits...but *all* weights/strength.

    If I had time I would alternate those daily, but I have to rotate in some Shred a couple days a week because of time.

    Just got BL Cardio Max and BL Boot Camp today. Want to try those out some time this week.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    What is the boot camp?
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Boot Camp is one of the Biggest Loser DVDs. I am not sure what's on it yet...still haven't tried it.

    Did BFBM today. That on top of shoveling this morning spells a decent dinner! Woohoo!
  • Gems7882
    Gems7882 Posts: 8 Member
    Yipppe my first ever post in this forum :D

    I was doing JM (30 day fitness plan from i completed the plan and went for a vacation of 2 months :P

    So I am somewaht back to square one now. Hope to start JM again. Can u tell me what is BL yoga? And do u guys use on demand for JM or do u own a DVD or something? I am starting fresh again today and need the support of all of u.

    Thank u so much :D
  • Gems7882
    Gems7882 Posts: 8 Member
    Also I am not abale to put 30 day shred in my exercise log in. Where do u guys put it in the exercise log in?
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome (back) Gems! I put in all of Jillian's stuff as Circuit Training. Those with heart rate monitors say it's a pretty close calculation, and I've been steadily losing weight, so I guess it's working. :happy:

    I own the DVDs, but Netflix has them (Blockbuster probably does, too), has them, some cable providers' On Demand programming has them.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Boot Camp is one of the Biggest Loser DVDs. I am not sure what's on it yet...still haven't tried it.

    Did BFBM today. That on top of shoveling this morning spells a decent dinner! Woohoo!

    WTG!! You'll have to let me know how the Boot Camp is when you try it. My sister and I are looking for a few new options.

    WE got a pile of snow here too (southern ontario, canada) I shovelled a bit and forgot to put it in my fitness log!
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    What is the boot camp?
    Boot camp is a great circuit training workout! I do it one or two days a week with 30 day the other 5. I love it!! I don't feel like it works the abs as much as Jillian does, but there is more cardio and more stretching at the end which I like.
    Walmart has it for like $7.
    Give it a try!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Did NMTZ yesterday and again today (exactly 24 hours apart). Also shoveled this morning (again! ugh!). Ready to blow it all tonight for my bday!! Woohoo!!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I finally tried Boot Camp today. I did Level 1, which after doing the shred and everything else for the last month and a half, was too easy. I like that you can customize the workout, though, and after I see all 3, I may just turn it into 2 levels, or all 3, at a time.

    I think I'll try level 2 later...but I have things to do this afternoon.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    OK I did Boot Camp all 3 levels today - much better! That was tough! I considered stopping after levels 1 and 2, but level 3 is only 10 minutes so I pushed through. My arms will be so sore tomorrow!
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Going to start the 30 day slim down tomorrow. Day one is 30 day shred level one. Going to take my measurements and hopefully try not to weigh myself too often (its been more of a hindrance than motivator). We'll see how it goes. I leave for Tahiti in one month so hopefully I'll see some results!

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Just a question for you shred grads.... I'm sorry if you probably heard this a dozen times just wanna make sure cuz I'm starting the MARCH SHRED group today.

    #1. How often do you do the shred? Everyday of the week? or alternate with other workouts?
    #2 How long do you do each level for?

    Just wanna find the most effective way to get the most out of it.

    Thanks. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
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