In desperate need of a weight loss buddy!

When I met my husband I was 145lbs. In the 3 short years that I have known him I have really let myself go. I feel awful. I have gained a good 40 to 45 lbs since then. We are trying to get pregnant and my doctor told me that losing weight will really help my chances. So obviously this is very important to me. I just can't seem to keep my motivation. I think in my mind "alright Im going to do this, this, this and that." but when it comes down to it I always seem to find an excuse not to do it. So I need someone who will hold me acountable and encourage me. I will do the same for you. Anyone interested? Send me a friend request and a message!


  • Hi! I can relate. I gained 40 lbs since starting vet school. I'm ok with being chubby but I don't feel good! My goal is to lose 40 lbs by June (I'm at 205 right now) and to have a lifestyle change in order to stay in shape. I'd totally be into motivating each other (my fiancee is not much help :) Let me know what you think! -Rachael
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    I just sent you a friend request!
  • its my pleasure to be friend with u ...just sent a friend req :)
  • That would be great. I've tried to explain to my husband that I just don't feel good anymore. I don't feel like doing things anymore. The extra weight just brings me down. It would be good to have someone who can relate =)

    this is to rsnyderus
  • Hi there! I have just added you :) I require the same support, so will definitely help you along the way! x