newbie here FEEL FREE TO ADD ME!

hey guys and gals, first post on here pretty nervous but super super excited,
I'm a 20 year old English girl who is currently studying to go to university in September. I moved from my mums to my dads 3 years ago and then moved out of my dad one year ago.
. Mostly I've loved living independently but I have noticed that my weight has really increased. When I lived at my mums she was extremely strict with food so I was always very thin.. perhaps too thin, and when I lived with my dad I did put some weight on and now three years later I have finally realized that I have effectively been on a three year binge due to being able to eat what i want, when i want. But now I know how unhealthy and damaging this is and why I must stop, lose weight and live a happy healthy life. I really hope that joining this site will really help, and I've had some great success stories so I am very excited to begin my journey.
Please feel free to add me so that we can all have the most support we can!!


  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
  • sent
  • TX_Thundercat
    TX_Thundercat Posts: 2,437 Member
    Sent and WELCOME!!
  • I totally understand. I feel like I was back in my teens where I obsessed about my weight when I needed to focus on other things. Still, I notice that when I track food or my weight, I tend to go back to my regular weight. I have weighed the same since high school except when I get on these nerve or relationship stresses. Added weigh is emotional insulation. Get free - in part it is a mindset. The more we think fat the more it takes to lose weight. Tracking food is a way of getting our attention focused on our health. Note how you FEEL after you eat certain foods. Stick with the ones that make you feel good.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberlee, 49. I am from Illinois. I know what you mean about the freedom to eat whatever you want. I was raised to eat, eat and eat. I am now watching what I eat due to not being able to really workout very much. I know that you can do this. Feel free to add me.