Better late than never...

So yeah... Hello everyone.

I feel a little... Actually, I feel VERY silly doing this, but I think I might need it now.
I've been trying to change my life, so I'm not just on a diet, since the first monday in january, and it's looking like I'm doing well. I cannot tell exactly how much I lost, since I have this ongoing battle with the weigth, it keeps telling different things out of how you put it down, where you put it and how you stand on it. But one thing is sure: I have been losing weight!

Yet, I am now growing lazy, as a result to all the snow I don't get to run as much as I would like to, I have no time (or money) for actual fitness classes and I am busy as hell with my study, so my biggest problem as things is, that I don't really get enough to eat over the school day, or actually eats nice and healthily, but then ruinis everything by overeating by my parents dinnertable every evening. I am so tiered, maybe a bit sick (running in the cold may not have been my greatest idea ever) or maybe it's just the lack of sleep or so... So my body is craving sugar and esay energy.

I write here now because I need sympathy, support, and may be even a little help...

So, again, hello people.
I am Paxie, and I need you.


  • mhooker
    I totally understand what you are going through. I have battled weight issues my whole life. I had a hard time eating when I was supposed to instead of eating a ton of food at night. I would suggest packing healthy snacks in your bag or purse to take with you so that you are getting healthy food while you are on the go. Also, have you tried any of the workout at home DVD's, there are so many to choose from but some of them really work. A friend of mine lost about 80 lbs by watching her food intake and by working out at home! You don't have to have a gym membership to get in shape! You can do it girl! Believe in yourself!!
  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    You can usually check those workout videos at the library! Welcome to MFP!
  • Stephanie521
    I totally understand where you are coming from. Support is one of the biggest things you need in order to be successful. You can do it, the thing you need to remember is how well you have already done. But you have to make changing your life a priority. I am not saying that you aren't, but we ALL find reasons or excuses why today is not a good day to do something. I am terrible at that and sometimes I have to force myself to work out...even if it is in my living room at home listening to music. I am moving around which is better then sitting doing nothing.

    I am here for you! I will help in any way I can...remember YOU CAN DO IT!