need running help

I've been running for a little less than a year. When I started, i started slow, like you're supposed to. many times i struggled with just running two minutes or three minutes at a time.
Thankfully, i'm past that hurdle, but now I have a new one. When i'm on the treadmill, i can run 20-25 minutes usually at a 1% incline with no break. however, on the inside track, i'm struggling just to get past 15 minutes. am i just bored? i've been stuck at this time on the track for quite a while and i really think i should be past this. any suggestions?
thanks, heidi


  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    i'm pretty sure its more difficult to run outside because you don't have the added momentum of the treadmill forcing you to go!

    i know i was of no help at all.. i'm just starting running . today i start day 1 of week 3 on the couch25k program. i'm really hoping im able to finish the whole thing! and then regularly run after also haha
  • Taiyo
    Taiyo Posts: 20
    In my experience running on a treadmill is easier than running outside or on a track. Like karleen said, the treadmill gives you a little bit of extra momentum and helps you along as it tries to maintain speed. When I switched from running on a treadmill to running on a track it was pretty tough -- just slow down a little bit on the track and just focus on finishing.

    The good news is that I've noticed that running on a track or outdoors has made a huge difference in muscle definition on my legs from running on a treadmill, so keep at it and good luck!
  • BetterVersion
    I'm no expert, but the way I think about it is, it probably takes a lot more effort to actually propel yourself forward than you realize. When you're on the treadmill or running in place, you don't have to expend that extra effort, you're simply taking the steps. Maybe this is way off the mark, or maybe it makes no sense, but it's just my guess.
  • Dive_Girl
    Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
    Here is a good link for couch to 5k

    I had the same problem, I could not run to save my life back in September of last year. I joined a running clinic through my community for $75 that promised to make me a runner in 8 weeks. Well, it worked!!! I am not running between 3 and 4 miles a day 4 times a week and love it! She started us out on a run/walk program and we added time to our run times each week. It was very similar to the couch to 5k program described in the link above. But what really helped me was meeting once a week with her and having the support of the group. I still run with 4 of the people I met in the clinic and one of the women I met there is now training for 1/2 marathons!

    Good luck!

  • farmgirlh
    I'm not much help either, but for me it is the opposite. I run faster out on the road than on the treadmill. I can also run for a longer time outdoors. The treadmill is just to easy to shut off at that 30 minute mark, but when I run outside I can go for 45 or more. I just have to remember that I have to turn around and run back. Good luck!!
  • princesspurple
    I've been running for a little less than a year. When I started, i started slow, like you're supposed to. many times i struggled with just running two minutes or three minutes at a time.
    Thankfully, i'm past that hurdle, but now I have a new one. When i'm on the treadmill, i can run 20-25 minutes usually at a 1% incline with no break. however, on the inside track, i'm struggling just to get past 15 minutes. am i just bored? i've been stuck at this time on the track for quite a while and i really think i should be past this. any suggestions?
    thanks, heidi

    Hi Heidi-I think you may be are running in a circle inside...maybe w/ not much to look at. Boredom will bring you down I think. I do both inside on the treadmill and outside. The one thing about the treadmill is that you can monitor your pace. You may watch tv or listen to your you have an ipod maybe for the inside track? When I run outside, I don't use any music-for safety number one, I want to hear if there is a car or a person somewhere:) I like to look at houses and just think really! Maybe when the weather gets better, you can get outside and STOP THE BOREDOM:)
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I read an article about how running on the treadmill is "softer" than running outside. It takes time and stamina to be able to run outdoors. The magazine suggested putting your treadmill on an incline to get similar effects as outdoors. Let me know what works, because I cant run more than 10 minutes outdoors, but can run 30 mins indoors.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    you need to get outside. The treadmill while wonderful for some is not a push that you need. I can run about 8 mile mins on a treadmill for 3 miles. Outside I am lucky to hit 9:30 and hold it. Plus if you can ever invest in a Garmin that really helps. It tells you how fast you are going and how far.
    I also think a running log helps. Track what you ate prior to your run, did you drink well, how did you feel and what did you run (tread, road) for how long..You may see a pattern forming. Hormones, mood, sleep, eating, drinking etc play a huge role in our workouts.
    Good luck and keep at it. I have good and bad days. I struggle sometimes at 1 mile but have a great 10 miles on other days
  • kimandal99
    I am in the exact same boat as you and continue to ask myself the same question! I started running (or trying to run) last July. I did some outdoor running when the weather was nice but I was only just starting out so I probably ran a quarter of a mile at the most. Since then, I have been running regularly on the treadmill and have just reached my new personal record of 1 hour straight which is 5 miles for me. I feel great to be able to run this, but I still feel like there is no way I can run outside or on a track. I don't have an indoor track at my gym so I can't even try it out. Hopefully we will both find the strength to be able to run off the treadmill. I would love to run 5 miles regularly- outside as well as indoors.
    Good luck!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'm no expert, but the way I think about it is, it probably takes a lot more effort to actually propel yourself forward than you realize. When you're on the treadmill or running in place, you don't have to expend that extra effort, you're simply taking the steps. Maybe this is way off the mark, or maybe it makes no sense, but it's just my guess.

    I agree with this. Another factor you don't get on a treadmill is the terrain. You may think whatever surface you're running on is flat, but even if you're going down the sidewalk, it is rarely "level". Each foot strike is unique when running outside. Meaning your legs and abs are constantly having to adjust to different stride lengths to compensate for the imperfect terrian.

    I know it doesn't sound like much, but over 30 minutes of running that's quite a bit more effort than on a treadmill or indoor track. Running on a trail is harder than running on a street.

    The C25K Program is excellent if you're a begginning runner. If you're having trouble converting to the outside, just start over. It's all running, but not all running is the same.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    double post