Can't eat enough to reach my calorie goal?



  • witchywoman821
    I'm not intentionally doing this because it 'leads to faster results'. I honestly do eat until I'm full, but I just can't eat way too much. I mean, to me, the amount of food I eat is a lot, but to others, it isn't. But I guess I could try eating more, or just eating stuff with more calories.

    I just don't like eating past my full point. It makes me physically feel bad.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    OP, please don't take offense, but that is super hard to believe. How did we all get here? I'm sure it wasn't because we didn't like feeling full and just couldn't eat any more calories even if we tried.

    A handful of almonds is approximately 100 calories. Add a handful of chocolate chips, and you've got a 200 calorie snack. No way that is going to make you feel stuffed.


    Bacon wrapped hot dogs!
  • witchywoman821
    I got to be overweight from years and years of horrible eating habits and lack of exercise. I started this process a year ago, and this is just where it's gotten. I never intentionally tried to make myself eat this little. But really, is one plate of food for a meal really too little?

    I guess I was just wondering if anyone had ever had this problem before, but I guess not.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I got to be overweight from years and years of horrible eating habits and lack of exercise. I started this process a year ago, and this is just where it's gotten. I never intentionally tried to make myself eat this little. But really, is one plate of food for a meal really too little?

    I guess I was just wondering if anyone had ever had this problem before, but I guess not.

    Just eat more calorie dense foods. No low fat anything. A tbsp of nut or seed butters, a glass of full fat milk, a handful of nuts or seeds, a chunk of cheese, a bowl of ice-cream added here and there will do it. Add oil/butter to cooking and dressing to salads. Throw some cheese on top of your veggies.
  • klarose88
    Eat lots of beans, nuts, almond butter anything with a lot of protein will give you a large dosage of calories :)
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I got to be overweight from years and years of horrible eating habits and lack of exercise. I started this process a year ago, and this is just where it's gotten. I never intentionally tried to make myself eat this little. But really, is one plate of food for a meal really too little?

    I guess I was just wondering if anyone had ever had this problem before, but I guess not.

    Does that mean you have been eating around 1000 calories or less for a year now? You may have lowered your metabolism quite a bit with a year's worth of under-eating, which may also explain why you don't feel hungry enough to eat more than that.
  • JessXOVanity
    Eat fruit or drink apple juice/fruit juices

    They're full of carbs (and calories) but are 'good' for you so you might feel less bad (if you feel bad at all)
    (eg. 1 apple = 80 cal)

    Just tack it onto the end of your lunch as a dessert-type ender and you won't even notice

    Or maybe try not to fill up on veges and protein and eat more carbs? Put olive oil on your salads too!

    Good Luck :)
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    People are being snarky because this question gets asked so often, that it becomes impossible to answer each person individually. Don't take it personally.

    I'm on a 1230 cal a day plan, and yes, I do have trouble reaching that goal sometimes. The problem is usually that I have eaten a ton of fibrous vegetables and those have a lot of volume for the relatively low caloric value.

    A lot of people think that to "eat healthy" they have to mostly consume salads, fresh fruits, and very lean meat. This is a good start, but not something we can keep up forever. Expand your food horizons and I'm sure you will find the limit easier to reach. Carbs and fat are not your enemy, they are just fuel.

    If you still have a hard time reaching your goal after that, invest in some good quality protein powder. I rely on this to fill the gaps in my diet on days when planning has been less than stellar, or I had a huge burn at the gym. It helps.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Some days I'm pretty hungry. Other days (like yesterday) I fall below 1200, which so far has happened around 15 percent of the time. Most of those times I'm under by fewer than 100 calories.

    I stand in the kitchen and ask my body what it wants. Some days I just need high-calorie fats and will grab a quarter or a half cup of unsalted peanuts. That satisfies me, ups my calorie count, and provides healthy fat and protein.

    I find that if I don't tune in to what my body needs I can eat foods that might help fill calorie requirements but that will not satisfy me.

    Then some days, like yesterday, my body simply tells me it's full even if I'm below 1200 (again, by fewer than 100 cal.). High fiber, water, sodium, and other factors can change appetite. Just as the body isn't static with respect to weight fluctuations, it isn't static with respect to appetite. In my case, it does tend to balance out.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Eat food with more calories.

    ^^^This... Higher level of calorie dense foods... especially proteins... Unless you are like 3'10" or something, you should need more than 1200 calories... It may be that you have been eating so little that your metabolism has slowed down to accomodate it. . THis will actually slow your weight loss. I would find calorie dense NUTRITIOUS foods (high protein helps)... Also, make sure your portions are accurately measured. It may be that you are actually eating more than you think you are. Best wishes on your journey.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Could you make your diary public so that we can see what you ARE eating, and make some suggestions as to what you could do to improve it? Since you are asking the question I'm guessing you have a concern about it.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Eat food with more calories.

    which foods have calories?

    Cheese on toast. With plenty of tabasco (just in case that wasn't already implied.....)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    People are being snarky because this question gets asked so often, that it becomes impossible to answer each person individually. Don't take it personally.

    I'm on a 1230 cal a day plan, and yes, I do have trouble reaching that goal sometimes. The problem is usually that I have eaten a ton of fibrous vegetables and those have a lot of volume for the relatively low caloric value.

    A lot of people think that to "eat healthy" they have to mostly consume salads, fresh fruits, and very lean meat. This is a good start, but not something we can keep up forever. Expand your food horizons and I'm sure you will find the limit easier to reach. Carbs and fat are not your enemy, they are just fuel.

    If you still have a hard time reaching your goal after that, invest in some good quality protein powder. I rely on this to fill the gaps in my diet on days when planning has been less than stellar, or I had a huge burn at the gym. It helps.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Eat nuts. Or chocolate. Or both.
    Pie. Lots of pie.
    A glass of orange juice.
  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    Add extra healthy oils like Olive, Macadamia, or Avocado to your veggies. A couple of tablespoons add a lot of calories and you heart will thank you! :)