hurt my little toe - can I do any exercise?

I don't think I've broken my little toe but it's v painful and swollen - not sure quite what I've done to it as I didn't notice injuring it but did a 30 min run yesterday (am getting back into running after a long break) and wonder if this is what's done the deed. I'm keen to keep exercising in some capacity though and wonder if anyone has any ideas - I guess I could still go on the rowing machine?


  • RentThisSpace
    RentThisSpace Posts: 96 Member
    If you haven't ran in awhile, it could be your shoes that have caused this issue. I'd recommend going to your local running store (Fleet Feet or something similar) and talking with them. They can get you in a shoe that won't cause issues for your feet. Oh, and while you are there, get some running sock (like Thorlos).

    For now, try and not irritate your toe further. Your suggestion on rowing machines is a good one. Now might also be a good time to get into some weight training or body lifting (push ups, pullups, situps, etc) which require little movement on your toe.

    If it doesn't go away or gets worse, I'd seek a medical professional's opinion about your toe. Might be a good idea anyway to consult one since you are beginning a new workout regime.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Pilates, yoga and general stretching are good things you can do without banging your feet around. They aren't really cardio intensive, but they'll strengthen your muscles and improve your flexibility so that when your foot is better you'll be in a better condition to push the cardio.
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Try a bike, even the lower leg extended one. It shouldn't hurt your little toe. Hope it feels better soon!