Good fat vs. bad fat

KL_24 Posts: 28 Member
Just posting a general question here...I always thought that the "good fats" were monounsaturated and polyunsaturated and the "bad" fat was saturated and trans fat. I don't know if it's just my settings but the total grams of sat fat I have is 32, polyunsat is 1, and monounsat is 2. How come myfitnesspal is allowing me 32 g of the bad fat but none of the kind we actually want to intake??


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Bad fats - synthetic trans fats

    Saturated fat isn't really a bad fat
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    There are no medical recommendations for unsaturated fats, but MFP includes them so you can track them if you want. There is a maximum medical recommendation for saturated fats though, so MFP uses that.
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    Fat is Fat. Dr. McDougal saying is "The fat you eat is the fat you wear" I find this statement true. Once I cut back on fat weight came off. Doesn't matter if it is oil, dairy, meat, vegetable(avocado/olives) You must watch how much fat you consume. I no longer cook with oil, it is all done with water. I chose salad dressing that are fat free, and I am a big label reader so when I do eat processed foods I look for ones that are low in fat.
  • testease
    testease Posts: 220
    Fat is Fat. Dr. McDougal saying is "The fat you eat is the fat you wear" I find this statement true. Once I cut back on fat weight came off. Doesn't matter if it is oil, dairy, meat, vegetable(avocado/olives) You must watch how much fat you consume. I no longer cook with oil, it is all done with water. I chose salad dressing that are fat free, and I am a big label reader so when I do eat processed foods I look for ones that are low in fat.

    did you keep diets iso-caloric? If you didnt, this statement really holds no merit because you probably ended up cutting back on calories when cutting out the fat.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Fat is Fat. Dr. McDougal saying is "The fat you eat is the fat you wear" I find this statement true. Once I cut back on fat weight came off. Doesn't matter if it is oil, dairy, meat, vegetable(avocado/olives) You must watch how much fat you consume. I no longer cook with oil, it is all done with water. I chose salad dressing that are fat free, and I am a big label reader so when I do eat processed foods I look for ones that are low in fat.

    I eat twice the recommendation for fat. I think it helped my weight loss (been in maintenance for 1.5 years) because it makes my food taste yummy so I'm satisfied with my meals.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Fat is Fat. Dr. McDougal saying is "The fat you eat is the fat you wear" I find this statement true. Once I cut back on fat weight came off. Doesn't matter if it is oil, dairy, meat, vegetable(avocado/olives) You must watch how much fat you consume. I no longer cook with oil, it is all done with water. I chose salad dressing that are fat free, and I am a big label reader so when I do eat processed foods I look for ones that are low in fat.

    this is insanely wrong. you need fat to survive. and I've actually had the best results while eating pretty high fat.

    fat isn't fat in the way you're describing it. it's isn't automatically stored as lard on your hips. and different kinds of fats are good.

    I don't think I ever have a single meal that doesn't have some fats in it, rather it's bacon, coconut oil, REAL butter, whole milk, etc. fats are awesome
  • naveed1naveed
    Saturated fat isn't really a bad fat
    I could not agree more than that.
    just to add age factor and own body conditions.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    stay away from processed trans fats ... the rest are good although dont LOAD up on saturated fat
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    FAT IS GOOD!!!
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Fat is Fat. Dr. McDougal saying is "The fat you eat is the fat you wear" I find this statement true. Once I cut back on fat weight came off. Doesn't matter if it is oil, dairy, meat, vegetable(avocado/olives) You must watch how much fat you consume. I no longer cook with oil, it is all done with water. I chose salad dressing that are fat free, and I am a big label reader so when I do eat processed foods I look for ones that are low in fat.

    this is insanely wrong. you need fat to survive. and I've actually had the best results while eating pretty high fat.

    fat isn't fat in the way you're describing it. it's isn't automatically stored as lard on your hips. and different kinds of fats are good.

    I don't think I ever have a single meal that doesn't have some fats in it, rather it's bacon, coconut oil, REAL butter, whole milk, etc. fats are awesome

    Agree. That Doctor is full of stuff. Fat in the food is not fat on you. Low fat diets are actually dangerous. The brain requires fat to function properly. Low fat has been linked with depression and high cholesterol.
    Lard has actually been proven to lower small particle LDL, raise HDL, and lower triglycerides.
    My diet is considered high fat by medical standards. And most medical professionals think the list of foods I eat is the list of foods I cut out to drop my cholesterol 30% in 8 months.
    My blood sugar is back to normal too. No longer pre--diabetic.
    Cutting carbs down is what worked for me. Not cutting fat.
  • dogladytwo
    dogladytwo Posts: 97 Member
    I lowered my overalll cholesterol 165 point (from 375 to 210) by watching my fat intake. I never go under 20g total or over 30g total. I try to make sure my saturated fat is only 30% of my fat and I don't eat any trans fat at all. poly and mono are your friends :) If you don't have issues with cholesterol, then saturated fats are fine too. high fat foods are usually calorie intensive and I prefer to eat more bulk than they can offer wiithin my allotted intake of calories

    Women shouldn't go under 20g total and men shouldn't go under 30g total in a day. Anything less can start pulling essential fats from vital organs in the long run.

    eat what works for you and good luck!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Bad fats - synthetic trans fats

    Saturated fat isn't really a bad fat

  • KL_24
    KL_24 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the info everyone! I think most of my fat content (if not all) comes from peanut butter (I only have 1 tbsp at a time), almonds (1 oz), the oil from Italian dressing, and the occasional hummus (2 oz). Should I cut these foods out of my diet or keep them? I heard it is essential to have some fats within one’s diet but I am just curious if anyone has any suggestions! In addition, for MFP pie chart…I updated it to 45% carbs, 15% fat, and 40% protein. Does anyone think that was a bad idea? I wanted to incorporate more protein within my diet because I play volleyball in college and I also want to tone up a bit of course. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d love to hear them!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thanks for the info everyone! I think most of my fat content (if not all) comes from peanut butter (I only have 1 tbsp at a time), almonds (1 oz), the oil from Italian dressing, and the occasional hummus (2 oz). Should I cut these foods out of my diet or keep them? I heard it is essential to have some fats within one’s diet but I am just curious if anyone has any suggestions! In addition, for MFP pie chart…I updated it to 45% carbs, 15% fat, and 40% protein. Does anyone think that was a bad idea? I wanted to incorporate more protein within my diet because I play volleyball in college and I also want to tone up a bit of course. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

    You could go higher on fat % if you want, but that will decrease the bulk of your food since fat has more calories per gram than carbs or protein. Your fat sources are fine too. Nuts and hummus are so yummy and nutritious!
  • KL_24
    KL_24 Posts: 28 Member
    Ha I agree..can't live without almonds and peanut butter thats for sure! Thanks!
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    On days when I do 2K of exercise calories, fatty meat or nuts makes it a lot easier to eat back a bunch of those calories.
    I've done half a pound of no salt added mixed nuts some days.
    Fat on food is your friend. It is not the enemy unless you have digestive track problems like crohn's.