If you feel tired and awful ALL the time, READ THIS!



  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    This is a great reminder for me to keep taking mine. Hope the biotin I purchased for my hair falling out works just as fast!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Good to know. Thanks for sharing your story. I've been thinking of seeing my doc and getting a bunch of blood tests done to see if I have something going on with me. I'm always tired. In fact if sleeping was a sport I'd be a gold medalist at it. I workout a lot - usually an average of 30-60 min about 5 times a week and my weight hasn't been moving. I've even gained a few pounds. I need to look at my multivitamin to see if it has minerals in it. I do have some flax seed at home so I will try using it more in my breakfast to see if that helps.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    pumpkin seeds have a lot of magnesium in them I eat them whenever I feel low on energy
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Quick Oats alone give you a big energy boost.

    People have been using them for pre-workout for a long time. Nice quick boost of energy that allows you to not have to pump pre-workout supplements all the time.
  • 8goodgirl0
    8goodgirl0 Posts: 127 Member
    Good to know. Thanks for sharing your story. I've been thinking of seeing my doc and getting a bunch of blood tests done to see if I have something going on with me. I'm always tired. In fact if sleeping was a sport I'd be a gold medalist at it. I workout a lot - usually an average of 30-60 min about 5 times a week and my weight hasn't been moving. I've even gained a few pounds. I need to look at my multivitamin to see if it has minerals in it. I do have some flax seed at home so I will try using it more in my breakfast to see if that helps.

    they should probably check your thyroid
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    Too much manganese will also cause depression, lethargy and an onset of symptoms like parkinson's disease..... once again, everything should be taken in moderation.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Not sure that I quite agree with your conclusion. I think you should seek to correct deficiencies through your diet, if possible.

    My doctor advised taking the supplement for a period of time while slowly adding foods to my diet that are rich in magnesium and manganese. The reason why I ended up that way was because none of those foods appeal to me, so I've been slowly incorporating ways to sneak them in, like flax seeds in soups and salads, spinach smoothies, etc. :)

    Just to be clear, I'm not saying your actions were unreasonable, it sounds like you did exactly the right thing.

    However, I think a more accurate moral of the story would have been "pay attention to your micronutrient intake" rather than "pay attention to your multivitamin."

    I'm just being my normal nitpicky self :drinker:
  • natalie2355
    natalie2355 Posts: 93 Member
    I have a hard time believing that it it work that fast. Not that it worked... just that it worked that fast.

    This worked for HER. It may not have the same effect on someone else, i.e. you. She is sharing her story, just in case it resonates with someone else.

    It really annoys me, when reading the message boards, that someone is so quick to doubt, judge or be plain mean.

    ^^^THIS! why why why whhhy do people do that??? Bums me out :(
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I have a hard time believing that it it work that fast. Not that it worked... just that it worked that fast.

    I've never taken manganese so can't comment, but I can tell you from experience that vitamin B12 works this quickly if you are deficient.

    Also, it isn't always possible to correct deficiencies through diet. Some people have problems absorbing nutrients, and deficiences can be masked as something else for years and years. Often it can be just good luck to find out what's going on.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Good to know. Thanks for sharing your story. I've been thinking of seeing my doc and getting a bunch of blood tests done to see if I have something going on with me. I'm always tired. In fact if sleeping was a sport I'd be a gold medalist at it. I workout a lot - usually an average of 30-60 min about 5 times a week and my weight hasn't been moving. I've even gained a few pounds. I need to look at my multivitamin to see if it has minerals in it. I do have some flax seed at home so I will try using it more in my breakfast to see if that helps.

    they should probably check your thyroid

    That's the 2nd time I've been told that. I'm going to get into the doctor this month on one of my days off and get tested. Thanks!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Great story. Glad you found something to help you. I have oats everyday and was thinking about using flax seed somewhere in my diet.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Interesting....your post described me to a T, you listed every single symptom and yet i'm always told it's related to my anxiety issue or depression...even when i'm not really feeling anxious/depressed inside. I may just have to check this out, thanks for the info! Maybe it's not my problem, but...you never know!
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    WOW!!! thank you for sharing! this gave me chils!! I have felt this way for YEARS!! Thinking I was selfish or crazy or personality issues/ depressed...but not having suicidal thought, thinking maybe I am a functioning depressed person????
    I am so going to try this. I have all the " symptoms" you mentioned!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Not sure that I quite agree with your conclusion. I think you should seek to correct deficiencies through your diet, if possible.

    I agree that getting nutrients from natural foods is usually best, but if she was severely deficient she would likely need a supplement to bring her levels to normal quickly, though it might not be needed forever.

    The thing I found odd about the post is that oat bran is very high in manganese, so if the OP was eating oatmeal regularly and still developed a deficiency it could indicate an absorption problem. In which case, a supplement might always be needed. But I'm sure her doc will advise her on that.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    thanks for the post. I will have my levels checked the next time I have blood work. You may have done some people a lot of good on here by giving them something else to look for in getting healthy, mentally as well as physically.
  • Wow! You have described how I've been feeling for quite some time now. I chalked it up to age and menopause. I've had my thyroid checked among other things. All is normal. The problem is that I've been getting more and more tired as time goes on. Just feeling pretty much lifeless most of the time. I think I'll start eating some oatmeal and throw some flaxseeds in every morning to see if it helps. Thanks for your post. Although everyone may not agree with you, if helped just one or two people figure out what's going on with them you're doing ok!
  • thanks for the post. I will have my levels checked the next time I have blood work. You may have done some people a lot of good on here by giving them something else to look for in getting healthy, mentally as well as physically.

    l^^^^ like and agree
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,432 Member
    Magnesium malate and vitamin D therapy with my Dr. Made a world of difference for me. My family Dr. Actually did not help at all when I too her how much daily pain I was in. I insisted on seeing a rheumatologist. The specialist is great and I was very happy that she offered help with vitamin D, magnesium, and maybe even trying a wheat/mold free diet. Thanks for sharing your experience!
  • momskg
    momskg Posts: 10 Member
    I feel like that all the time and I just assumed it was old age. I'm going try flax seeds tonight, thank you for the info!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    While this is potentially useful information, I have to say, I *love* the way you assume depressed people don't want to get better. Real nice.